“Hey, it’s the truth.”


My flight was a late-night one, so after I said my goodbyes to Alex, I rushed to find my seat on the plane, eager to nap. But as we rose above the people, the buildings, the clouds... it was beautiful. I’d never seen anything like this; the city glowed in the nighttime. I imagined the people down there in the city of angels, learning and loving and living. I thought about the band. And about Alex. And about Jacob, what he’d say if he was sitting beside me.

I thought about my parents. Had they ever been here? Maybe when they were younger, in love. Maybe they met here;fell in love with the city and each other. Maybe it was something we had in common. Or maybe it wasn’t, maybe they’d never been here. Maybe it was just me.

I liked that. I liked that it felt like it was mine.

I fell asleep, thinking of my family beneath me, and my family above.


The Carer was waiting for me at the airport.

“I’m glad you’re home,” She said, pulling me into her arms. “You’ve been missed!”

I frowned at that. I didn’t think anyone would have missed me much.

“Did you have a nice time? I heard the weather was brilliant.”

“It was great,” I said honestly. “Everything was great.”


I texted Alex once I was home, just like I’d promised, and he called me moments later.

“Was your flight okay?” No hello.

"I slept for a lot of it. Which was probably a bad idea, to be honest," I laughed.

"Are you going to school tomorrow? Because if you're too tired, I could call Aisling and get her to let you stay at home?"

"No... I think I'll be okay. It's my last week..." I hesitated, "Isn't it?"

"Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that. I don't want to rush you into anything, you know? I'm coming back on Thursday night, so we could get everything signed on Friday if you wanted. But I just want you to know that we don't have to if you don't want to. We could push it off for a week, or a month, or a year! Whatever you want."


I smiled through the phone. "Thanks, Alex. Really. But, no, I want to. It's not like I just want it over and done with, I'm looking forward to it, to being... ugh, I've no idea where that sentence is going."

Alex was silent for a moment. Then; "To being family?"

"Yeah," I said slowly, like I was really only realising it now. "Yeah, I'm looking forward to be family."

“Great,” I could picture him smiling proudly on the other line. “So, what about moving to Maryland then? Are you looking forward to that?”

“Yes! Rian and Jack were telling me all about your old high school.”

“They... they were? Because I wouldn’t want you to form an opinion based on them... they’re not exactly...”

I laughed. “Don’t worry, I took everything with a pinch of salt.”

“Good. So, are you tired?”

“I feel like I missed my flight and had to run all the way from LA.”

“Alright then. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Are you sure you want to go to school?”

“Well... I guess one day couldn’t hurt,” I said slowly. He chuckled.

“Okay, I’ll call Aisling and tell her you should stay at home. Goodnight, Finley.”

“Night, Alex.”


My own bed wasn't as comfy as the one in LA, but I was too exhausted to are. I curled up, drowning my body with blankets, not even bothering to change into pyjamas. Stiff legs would make me regret it in the morning, but I didn't care.


"Finley?" The Carer knocked softly on my door. "Just came to say goodnight."

"Goodnight," I told her, "I'll see you in the morning. Oh, and is it okay if-"

"Alex already called me,"she assured me, "you can stay at home tomorrow."

"Thank you."

"Alright, you can go to sleep now." She smiled, and closed the door.


Then next morning I woke up late. All the other kids had left for school, so it was just me and the Carer at home. It didn’t take me long to settle back in, unpack my things. It felt weird though, like I was living a dream. How could it be that I was leaving this place forever within a week?

I texted Alex throughout the day, as well as putting on some of the films that Matt had recommended. They were mostly Disney and other children’s movies, but I liked them. SOme of them seemed familiar, like I’d watched them myself when I was younger, but most of them were new to me. I called Matt afterwards, like I’d told him I would, and we talked about them.

“But aren’t they good, though? I’m mean, I’m a nearly middle-aged man and I love them!”

I laughed. “Yeah, they’re great. Thanks, Matt.”

“No problem. I have some more that I thought of last night, if you want them?”

“Sure!” I told him, “You can just text me or something.”

“Sounds good. Oh, Jack’s here, he wants to talk to- Jack hold on, I want - Jack, stop -”

There was a crackle. And some cursing.

“Hey Finley!”

“Hi, Jack, before we start a conversation, did you do anything fatal to Matt? I don’t want to talk to a murderer.”

“No, he should wake up in a few hours... or days.”

I laughed. “Maybe I should hang up, I don’t want to be arrested as an accomplice.”

“It’s fine, I’ll delete all of his cell history.”


Jack was my new hero. “So, what was it you wanted to talk to me about?”

“Nothing, I just wanted to say hi.”

“Oh yeah? No hidden agenda?”

“Nope! I mean, I’m kinda bored because we’re in the studio again but I’m not recording guitar parts and I’m trying to get rid of my Candy Crush addiction.”

“Good luck!”

“I know, right?”

A/N- Hope you enjoyed! I'm proud of myself for updating a lot sooner than I did last time. Don't forget to vote, comment and follow if you liked it! It means a lot when you do :)

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