Kayla POV

I was on my way to school somewhere I'm not very eager to go to. I got up at 6:30 like I do every morning school starts at 8:15 so I have plenty of time to get ready. I slid out of my bed and did my hygiene and put my hair up into a puff I'm at kind of at an awkward length right now it's to my shoulders but still not long enough to do much with but I can do all the short hairstyles that I love. I was done getting ready so I went downstairs and see my mother making breakfast her cooking was always bomb. I sat down and ate then left to go pick up my best friend Jayda. I drive on Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays and Thursdays and Fridays she drives us to school.

I pulled up to her house and beep the horn and she quickly ran out. She was looking bad as hell. Probably got all dressed up for her man's. We drove to school bumping music loud as hell this is what we do every morning weather I'm driving or her we always jamming.

We pulled up and got out. as usual the ugly bitches was staring right along with all the little wannabe thugs. We just walk in the school we don't pay none of them no mind. We went our separate ways to class.

My first two classes went by fast like they always do before I knew it was lunch. After I got my food I walked over to our usual table were Jayda, Serena and Bekah was. We talked and laughed the whole time. Then we went third period. I went to my seat in the front as usual but today was a little different there was a boy in my seat. He had the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen in my life they were this goldish brown shitt I don't know they just looked mesmerizing. He was a white boy with tan skin and dark hair he looked up and smiled at me with his had perfect teeth. The dude was in my seat and nobody takes my seat.

"Your in my seat" I said to him

"Ohh I'm sorry I'll move."He said getting up and moving to the seat directly beside me I smiled at him and sat down. You know I've never looked at a white boy before but he was fine.

"Thanks , whats your name." I asked smiling at him.

"My name is Luke." He said flashing that perfect smile of his. I wonder if he's into black girls I thought to myself.

"You know you said that out loud right and yes I love black girls never dated a white girl in my life." He said smiling.

"Wow I didn't mean to say that out loud but how come you never dated a white girl?" I asked very interested in what his answer would be.

"Excuse me Kayla and Luke is there something that you would like to share with the class?" My teacher asked like she was somebody momma.

"No aint anybody trying to share nothing with the class and you know it so stop trying to be smart and get on with your lesson." I snapped back at her I don't got time for these little petty ass teachers.

She looked at me with a bit of confusion but continued with her lesson I looked over to Luke who was stunned.

"Wow you have a smart mouth." He said looking at me. "I like that" he added.

"Good because your going to have to deal with it" I said starting on my work.

"ooh really now."He said licking his pink lips.

"Yeah really..... you have really sexy eyes by the way."I said biting my lip

"Thank you beautiful... limme ya number then." He asked nervously

" Sure" I took his phone and saved my number under Kaylababy. I gave it back and started paying attention when my phone vibrated. It was a text.

Text convo

Kaylababy?? I'ma have to change that.

Me: yyy I like it.

Luke: yeah but future wife sounds so much better

Me: mhmm u right. U sure u can handle a black girl like me?

Luke: hell yeah I can especially a baddie like you.

Me: well we're just going to have to see about that now pay attention

Luke: okey mi amor (my love)

End of text convo

This dude speak Spanish I thought to myself. Damn. Then I thought about the promise I made myself. No I'm not gonna fall for it.

After school I walk to my car waiting for Jayda then I remembered that she was going to ride with her ugly new boyfriend James. I got in my car and headed home. I pulled into my driveway and I was a movers truck in front of the house next to me. One that has been empty since we moved in.

I live in a nice neighborhood and all but it's mostly middle-class black people that live here my mom didn't want to get a huge house even though we could afford it. I looked over and I saw Luke with a box walking inside the house.

Oh no I thought. Really first he was in my third-period. Now he's my neighbor this can't be happening how am I supposed to stay away from somebody that lives right next door.

I don't have time for this whole love thing and I need to focus on School the last time I caught feelings for somebody it ended horribly the person I gave my all to messed up. They broke my heart something I'll never forget. He took my virginity after 6 months of dating then the next day he told me that's all he wanted and left me he had been cheating on me with other girls and everything it was horrible. I can't let myself go through that again not now not ever. If I grow up old and alone so be it. Plus Luke seems like a good guy I don't want to bring him into my Dad's life he has a habit of killing off anybody that hurt me so imagine what he did to my ex. He may have hurt me but he didn't deserve to die.

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