Chapter 11 - First Date

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Tanner's POV ✯ 


Emilie walks towards me, her heels hitting the tile floor, her hair is shining under the dim lights, her eyes are nervous but she hides it behind a wave of happiness.

"Ready to go?" I hear myself ask. Emilie nods slowly, making a hair fall from her ponytail. I tuck it behind her ear, brushing my hand across her soft skin. She blushes, making her cheeks become a beautiful shade of pink.

I take her hand and we walk out the door. Her hand is much smaller than mine, and I hold it so gently, as if it could break.

For fun, I brought my Harley. Emilie's eyes widen in surprise and she releases my hand.

"Is that yours?" She asks, surprise in her words.

"Um, yeah. Do you like it?" I ask her, taking my helmet off the seat and strapping it under my chin. I take out a second helmet and pass it to her. Emilie's hands hold the helmet uncomfortably, almost like she's afraid what will happen if she puts it on.

"Hop on." I say, taking her small, delicate hand in mine again. She does as she's told. She wraps her arms around my waist and rests her head on my shoulder. She smells like strawberries and cream.

"Where are we going?" She asks into my neck, her hair tickling my skin.

"You'll see," I say. I hit the gas and Emilie's arms tighten around my waist. I smile and breathe into the air that surrounds us.

We pull up to a park, I drive my bike over the grass. The park closed a few years ago, so the swings are rusted and no one is here. A 'No Trespassing' sign hangs over a locked chain. Emilie releases her arms from my waist and unclips her helmet.

"Um, isn't this illegal?" She asks, her eyes widening and I can see her breath in the cold breeze.

"Yeah, so?" I say. I'm a bad boy so I'm used to doing these kinds of things.

"Um, I know like 30 parks. Maybe we should go to one that's not going to get us arrested." Emilie says.

"Come on, live a little." I say taking her hand. Emilie doesn't take my hand, but she does follow behind me, stepping over the chain and into the park.

We walk over to the swings and I take a cigarette out of my leather jacket pocket. Emilie's eyes widen even more, like she's never even seen a cigarette before.

"Want one?" I ask, reaching for my pocket.

"Um, no thank you, I'm good." She says. I drop my hand and breathe in the smoke, relaxing against the cold metal of the swing.

Emilie tucks her curly blonde hair behind her ears that have now turned red from the cold. I finish my cigarette and turn to her.

"How long have you been friends with Tori?" Emilie asks me suddenly, her hazel eyes are a cooler green than they were before. I place my shaky hands into my lap and play with the bracelet on my wrist.

"Um, I don't know, a few months?" I say, but it sounds like a question. Emilie's eyes drop to the bracelet on my wrist that my fingers are currently teasing. I immediately stop and put my hands under my legs.

"Where did you get that bracelet?" She asks. Her hair glistens under the moon. Her mouth is slightly open, her warm breath touching the cold air.

"I don't know. A few years ago I think." I say, shifting uneasily. For some reason, I don't like Emilie asking me questions. I'd rather ask her. I personally think my life is boring.

Not Your Average GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora