Chapter 5 - Julian

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Lukas' POV ✫ 


It's not because I'm scared or anything, I'm just sick of not being challenged in my abilities. I just came here to find someone under the order of my boss and my boss hates to be disappointed.

I ride my motorcycle to a dark alley. Stars cover the night sky and the full moon overhead lights the path. I ride up to a large gate surrounded by 5 or 6 bodyguards. All of their heads turn in my direction when they see me. They don't move to let me in, so I guess they're new.

I punch the first man right in the jaw. He falls to the ground, groaning in pain. The second man tries to punch me but I easily block it. I roundhouse kick him in the face, knocking him out. The third man tries to kick me but I grab his ankle and push him into a brick wall. The fourth and fifth men run away, too scared to fight back.

I chuckle to myself and type in the code. The gates open with a loud squeak and I hop back onto my bike and ride down a narrow tar driveway.

The house I'm staying at is a huge mansion. I honestly am not rich enough to even come close to being able to own a house this size, but my boss is. Since I'm running this little errand for him, I got the finest house he could offer.

I open the stunning white wooden door and my mouth immediately drops open. My feet walk onto beautiful marble floors. I look to my right and see a huge kitchen. Granite countertops and gray cabinets line the walls. A tall stainless steel fridge sits in the corner. White chairs line up along the granite kitchen island.

I walk down a narrow hallway and into the living room. A large couch rests on a fluffy white rug. A huge tv sits not far away.

A large spiral staircase leads up to my bedroom. I open the wooden door and am shocked at the size of my room. A king sized bed sits in the corner next to a giant bay window. My closet is to my left and I open it to see clothes already hung up. I even have my own private bathroom.

I take off my shoes and socks and dress in a long sleeved shirt. The shirt ends just above my knees. I slip into my nice and comfy bed and fall asleep.


I wake up early for school. I walk to my closet and put on a white t-shirt, black jeans, and a gray sweatshirt. I put the hood of the sweatshirt over my head to hide my ugly scar and walk down to the kitchen. I make myself a bowl of cereal and put on my black converse.

My phone rings and I answer after the second ring.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hey, Lukas, how are things with the girl?" My boss asks.

"Awesome, boss, I'm actually heading to her school right now," I say.

"Good. Keep an eye on her. Can you do that for me?" Asks my boss.

"Of course, boss, I won't let you down," I say.

"You better not. Our gang is on the line here," he says.

"I understand," I say and hang up.

I take a deep breath and hop on my bike. I ride to the school and park in an empty spot. I open the back of my bike and take out my backpack. I sling it over one shoulder and walk into school.

In class, I always sit in the back. I'm 21 years old, why do I need to do junior year all over again? My actual junior year was bad enough.


"Excuse me, Lukas, there is a rule that no one is allowed to wear hats in school. That includes sweatshirt hoods." The teacher says. See what I mean? Who needs high school?

"But, Ms. Whitmore..." I protest but she waves her finger in the air as if saying, "don't try my patience."

"Yes ma'am," I mumble and pull the hood off my head. I ignore the burning stares and murmurs from every student in that classroom and put my head down on the desk. I block out the teacher and imagine knocking her out for making me take off my hood.


At lunch, I would much rather sit alone, but I have a job to do. I walk up to the table that she is sitting at. Every vein in my body screams to just turn around and walk away, but I can't.

"Um, can I sit here?" I ask. Tori looks up at me from her book.

"Um, sure..." she says. I try to act like I've never met her before, but I have. I've beaten her. Twice. Not to mention, that time she crashed into me in the hallway.

"What book are you reading?" I ask, trying to make conversation. Tori looks up at me.

"Um, To Kill A Mockingbird. I've read it like 3 times. It's so good." She says. I nod, trying to seem interested. However, I've never been interested in books. She turns back to her book and I take a sip of my apple juice.

"What's your name?" Tori asks suddenly, putting down her book.

"Um, Lukas, what's yours?" I ask.

"I'm Tori," she says, even though I already knew.

I finish my lunch and leave the lunchroom walking to my locker. A girl stops me on the way.

"Um, excuse me, I need to get to my locker," I say, trying to squeeze past the girl. She just looks at me, her green eyes scanning my face, until it rests on my scar. I should've put the hood back up when I had the chance.

"Where'd you get your scar? Cat got your cheek?" She asks, then laughs at her own joke. This is 2 minutes of my life that I'll never get back. Talking to her.

"That's none of your business, now, excuse me," I say and try to get by her again but she blocks my path. If violence weren't against the school rules, this girl would be knocked out cold by now.

"Seriously, what happened to your face?" The girl asks.

"Who wants to know?" I ask and cross my arms over my chest.

"Um, me!" She says.

"Hey, Julian! I think I just saw Harry Styles taking a selfie with Ms. Johnson!" Tori says, coming up behind me.

"What? No way!" The girl exclaims and practically pushes people out of her way to go and "see Harry Styles".

Tori and I laugh our asses off watching as Julian sprints out of the cafeteria, probably towards Mrs. Johnson's room.

"Hey, uh, thanks for that," I say after I'm done laughing.

"No problem. It works every time!" She says. I laugh.

"Wait, you say that to her all the time? Doesn't she usually fall for it?" I ask.

"Nope. She just loves Harry Styles." Tori says. I laugh.

I would say, "me too!" If I knew who the hell Harry Styles is.

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