Door 4

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Femie checked her watch. She had only been in this mess for less than five minutes, yet she had a week to make it. Forcing her fears of the unknown for stopping her, she unlocked the new door with courage. Courage which dwindled when she made to open it.

"Come on, Femie. Solo hazo," she spoke aloud to herself as she pushed to door open.

There was nothing there. Just darkness. The room seemed to be very long as Femie couldn't see the opposite wall, but there didn't seem to be anything there. Cautiously, Femie leaned in so that she could look to either side. Still, nothing.

Confused, she turned to close the door and move on, when Femie noticed a faint tapping noise coming from within the lightless room.

She squinted into the dark as she realised the noise was steadily getting louder, and louder.

They were footsteps.

An unseen someone was running towards her. The blackness of the room was preventing her from seeing the person as they approached her, fast.

The footsteps grew ever louder as the finally dormant wasps began to rise again within Femie's stomach. She began to pant with dread as the invisible person grew closer to her.

Femie's eyes closed themselves, and her arms soared up to cover her face as the footfall grew loud enough that the person would soon be visible.

What was it? Femie's mind soared into overdrive as she bean imagining everything that could be approaching her. All her childhood fears of a monster in the dark under the bed came rushing back. She saw deranged axe murderers, kidnappers and demons in her mind's eye as the noise grew louder and louder. She braced herself for the worst when, all of a sudden, the noise stopped. It had stopped impossibly fast for any human, so Femie risked a peek.

There was no one there.

Once again, the room was an endless, black abyss.

Femie slammed the door closed and marked it.

What the fuck was that? Her thoughts raced, trying to make sense of what she had just experienced, keeping her back pressed firmly against the door. Giving up, she sighed before moving onto the next.

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