Truth or dare

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Welcome to my one shots! Let's start off with a classic. Truth or dare anyone.........?


It was a no cases day at Lockwood and co. Me, George, Holly and Lockwood were bored out of our minds. Suddenly George piped up. "OK I dunno about you lot, but I can't live like this. We gotta do something. I suggest Truth or Dare." 

"OK" said Holly, looking sideways at Lockwood. Probably imagining kissing him the little Bitch - I mean sweet girl. Cuz I don't have a crush on Lockwood or anything like that. Nooo, DEFINITELY not. It's not as if every time she looks at his face, or uses her shugary, fluttery tone of voice I want to rip her limb from limb and feed her to the ducks.... "Lucy?" Lockwood said, snapping me out of my brooding.

"WhoWowWhat? Sorry Lockwood, I kinda zoned out. What did you say again?" Lockwood sighed. " I said do you want to play?" Ugh I thought. I will probably have to watch him kiss Holly, but.... "Fine. I have nothing else to do" I relented. Lockwood grinned. "Great. We each have 5 chickens, agreed?" We all nodded and George clapped his hands together. "Let's get started. Errrr..... Hol, truth or dare?"

"Umm... Truth." Holly giggled like an annoying bell.

"OK....... Would you rather snog the skull jar or me?"

"Ugh" Holly said "The jar"

"Good" said George. "Me too. Your turn to choose."

"OK" said Holly, looking evilly at me. "Lucy, T or D?"

"Truth" I said quickly. Knowing her, the dare would be 'leave and never return' or something like that.

"How many friends did you kill at that mill incident?" She said sweetly. Lockwood and George gasped. 

"What the hell" Lockwood fumed. "You can't say that!" George made a noise of agreement.

"Oh sorryyy" Holly pouted "She still gotta answer though"

"Chicken" I said She glared at me. If looks could kill, I'd be 6 feet under. But they can't, so she can evil eye all she wants. I don't give a shit. "Now." I said. "George, T or D?" 




"Go on" Lockwood laughed.

George came back thoroughly humiliated and wanting revenge. Strangely, he didn't pick me. "Lockwood, T or D" he huffed, with a glint in his usually expressionless eyes.

"Finally I thought you had forgotten little old me. Dare"

"I dare you to snog Lucy"

I almost fainted with happiness. He better not chicken out. 

"NO!" Holly screamed and pressed her lips to Lockwood's. "HE LOVES ME YOU BITCH!" She yelled, after breaking off, pointing at me "YOU ARE UGLY, AND CRAP AT BEING AN AGENT, HE ONLY FEELS SORRY FOR YOU, THAT'S WHY HE KEEPS YOU AROUND HE LOVES ME, ME M -" 

Lockwood hit her in the face. Hard. I've never seen him so MAD. Holly gasped, tears filling her eyes. She rubbed her smarting face in shock. Lockwood, however, stared at her with a steely glint in his eyes that I had never seen in him before.

"For your information. Miss Munro." He spat "Luce is 1000 times the agent you are and 1000000000000/times the person. You are fired you hoe. Get out of my house." And with that, he walked over to me and kissed me. When we broke apart, he whispered in my ear "I love you and I always will" Then louder so Holly the bitch troll could hear too "Lucy Carlyle, I love you." He said in his beautiful rich voice that I heard so often in my dreams, saying those exact words.

"I love you too" I sighed, in a bubble of wonder that only contained us two.

"WHAT!?" Holly screamed and slammed out of the room and the house, almost splintering the bloody front door.

"Fuck. That's another door ruined" I could have sworn I headed Lockwood mutter, but I was too busy swimming in joy to care. I was giddy and my head was reeling. Hell, was I in love deep.

"I'll leave you two to it" George smirked and walked out.

"Do you mean that?" I asked "What you said about loving  me?"

He looked at me with autumn coloured eyes, and I nearly melted in his arms."I do. I knew since the day I met you that I loved you. I need you. You are the sunshine to my dark" he whispered, one hand tracing my jaw.

"You are the reason I wake" I stated. "You are why I live. Why I don't end it all. You are the light to my shadow." 

And our lips captured each other again in perfect harmony, melted chocolate on my mouth. "We should have no cases more often" I breathed, and I felt his smile curving underneath my lips.


A/N my 1st Lockyle one shot. Comment and vote if you like! I will do more, cubbones and whatever Holly and Kipps is too! 


~A (not the one from PLL, although I love that show 👋 

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