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Frank felt like going somewhere new, so he walked to the cute little coffee shop on the corner of the block about 15 minutes from his house.

He walked into the quaint cafe and headed to the front. There was no one there or in the actual restaurant- granted it was 2 in the morning- so Frank just waited there patiently and awkwardly until a cashier arrived behind the counter.

"Sorry about that." The man said as he brushed his long, red hair out of his face and looked down at Frank, smiling. "How can I help you?"

Frank was in awe. God, that guy was so attractive with those pretty hazel eyes staring into his and the red hair falling over his face.

He looked at his name tag: 'Gerard'

"Wow you-" Frank started to compliment Gerard without thinking but stopped himself. He cleared his throat and blushed fiercely.

Gerard pretended not to notice the man blushing, but smiled a little anyway.

"Which coffee do you suggest I get?" Frank asked as he pretended to scan the menu, because even though he didn't like certain coffee, he was willing to try anything if this gorgeous guy recommended it to him.

"Well, I personally like the Caribbean blend." Gerard smirked. Frank didn't look at all like a guy who drank black coffee, but he was willing to find out.

"Well, I'll just get that then." Frank said as he reached for his wallet.

"Don't worry about it." Gerard said, interrupting Frank in the process of pulling his wallet from his back pocket. Frank stopped and stared confusedly at the taller man. "It's only two dollars." Gerard giggled.

"Thank you." Frank said sincerely and smiled at the man. He was in a bit of a money bind at the time and every dollar counted.

Gerard smiled back in response and turned around to make the coffee.

"So what's your name?" He asked, his back turned to Frank.

"I'm Frank. And I'm guessing you're Gerard?" Frank smirked.

"How did you know?" Gerard asked sarcastically as he looked at Frank over his shoulder. Frank blushed. Gerard chuckled and returned to making the coffee.

"So do you live around here?" Gerard asked after a moment.

"Yeah about 15 minutes away actually. I just walked. How about you?"

"I live in an apartment like a mile away." Gerard said as he poured the coffee in a foam cup.

"Cool." Frank said.

"Yeah." Gerard turned around and handed Frank his coffee. "Enjoy." He smiled shyly.

"Thanks." Frank smiled back and sat down at the closest table to the cashier.

Gerard leaned on the counter and pretended to stare at the wall when really he was just sneaking glances at his hot customer.

Frank picked up his coffee and tentatively took a sip, but immediately made a face and put it back on the table.

"How is it?" Gerard asked, trying to keep in his laughter.

"It's great. I love it." Frank lied. To him, it had no flavor whatsoever. It was so bitter compared to what he was used to.

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