Jet Pack Blues

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     This one is dedicated to AlmostMikeyWay

Frank was devastated.

Gerard had left him forever.

I mean, they've had little arguments here and there, but this was the final one.

Frank's mind flashed back to the last words that had come out of Gerard's mouth before he walked out the door: "Fuck you, Frank! I don't care about you or love you and I never will!"

Considering they had been dating for more than a year, him saying that had broke Frank's heart immensely.

Now, he didn't feel like doing anything except laying in his bed, crying while eating a tub of ice cream.

No one was there to comfort him, so he just spent the day wallowing in his own self pity.

It was horrible.

After all they'd been through, and it had to end like this.

Frank was even thinking of asking Gerard to marry him, but now he knew that wasn't going to happen.

All he had asked was if Gerard loved him back, but he didn't mean to make him mad.

Frank heard a knock on his front door.

He just stayed in bed thinking that if he didn't answer it, they would go away.

However, a few seconds later someone was opening his bedroom door.


"Go away." Frank mumbled into his pillow.

But, Mikey did not go away.

Instead, he sat down at the end of the younger male's bed.

"You know Gee doesn't stay mad for long." Mikey tried to soothe Frank.

"I don't care. I don't want to talk about him." He spoke almost incoherently, but Mikey understood him.

"Well, at least stop eating all that ice cream. You're gonna be fat."

"I want to be fat." Frank countered.

"You're so stubborn." Mikey sighed, taking away the tub of ice cream.

He turned on the tv and Frank sat up next to him on the bed to watch.

"So.. How have you and Pete been doing?" Frank inquired, trying to start up a conversation to forget about Gerard.

"We broke up."



The tv show the two guys were watching was as uninteresting as hell, but nonetheless, Frank didn't notice Mikey subtly inching closer to him.

"So.." Mikey started, causing the other to turn his attention to him.

Frank realized Mikey was a lot closer than before and was still pondering over that when Mikey kissed him.

But, it wasn't like kissing Gerard.

When Frank kissed Gerard, fireworks, tingles and all that cheesy stuff happened.

That's why Frank was so torn when his boyfriend left: he would never feel those soft lips on his again.

Mikey got as far as licking Frank's lip before he was pushed away.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Frank yelled. "I'm in a relationship with your brother. What kind of sick person are you?"

"I'm sorry! I thought that was what you wanted. I was trying to make you feel better." Mikey tried to defend himself but Frank would have none of it.

"Well, great job making me feel worse! Get out of my house, now."


"Now!" Frank yelled, watching Mikey scramble up and out the door.

He started to cry again.

The reason why he pushed Mikey aWay was because he smelled so much like his brother, and he couldn't handle that.

Frank heard the front door open again.

He slowly raised his head.

"Mikey, if I have to tell you one more time.."

"It's Gerard."

Frank looked up.

"Gerard? I thought you wanted to have nothing to do with me." Frank said quietly, sniffing.

"I tried forgetting about you but I couldn't. Because I love you."

Frank was silent.

"I can leave.." Gerard started walking back to the door.

"There's something I have to tell you." Frank interrupted, making Gee stop in his tracks.


"Mikey kissed me." He barely had time to finish his sentence before Gerard was out the door again.

"Fuckin' great." Frank muttered as he pulled on his black coat and headed outside into the rain after his (ex-) boyfriend.

He spotted Gerard in the distance, soaking wet, trying to speed walk away from the other.

"Gerard!!" Frank yelled after him. "I'm not the one who initiated the kiss! I never wanted for it to happen!"

"Right. And I'm just supposed to believe you? That my brother kissed you?!"

"Yes! Because it's true! I love you, Gerard and I always will no matter how many times you leave me!"

That made Gerard stop walking and turn around to look at Frank.

"I left you for a reason, Frank. That was a one time thing. I was scared, okay? I was scared because I didn't know if I loved you or not. But as you can see, I clearly fell hard without noticing." Gerard said only loud enough that Frank could hear him from where he stood a couple feet away. "I love you, and nothing can change that."

Frank stared at Gerard for a second, pondering over whether or not he should forgive him.

He then ran to Gee and embraced him, kissing him passionately.

"You can never push me away because I will always come back." Gerard whispered against his lips.

"I know." Frank smiled. "That's why I love you, only you, and no one else."

He took the other's hand in his and they walked back to the house together as a couple again.

A/N: I'm so sorry guys. This was really crappy.

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