I'm In Love With A Plus Size Girl Ch.36

Start from the beginning

Gregory:You don't ask me to.

Tina:I don't need to ask you.You should already know that you have to be sweet to me.

Gregory:Okay,whatever you want,baby *kisses Tina's forehead*

Tina:It's not what I want it's what I need.

Malik:How long have you and your wife been together?

Gregory:About a good 'ol forty five years.

Jacob:*surprised* Wow

Sophia:I know,right! I want something like that.

Tina:Always cater to your King as he do the same thing to you because you're his Queen.No matter what term you're on,and no matter what situation you're in.If your love is strong enough then the both of y'all will manage through smoothly.

Malik:Wow,that was amazing

Jacob:Now we know where Sophia gets it from.

Gregory:It made the both of you think twice,huh?

Jacob & Malik:*nods*

Gregory:*smiles* That's good because I want the both of you to treat my girls like how the two of you would want a man to treat your daughter.

Jacob:Oh trust me,I'm good at that.I've been raised by a  independent women who told me that every day ever since I was ten.

Malik:Really? Mines did,too

Jacob:*joking*Are you sure we're not secretly related?

Malik:*laughs* It'll be amazing if we were.

Jacob: I know right *first bumps Malik*

Sophia:I just love the fact that the two of you have a good brotherly relationship.

Jennifer:Yea,the two of you reminds me of my sisterly relationship with Sophia but male version.

Malik:Is that good?

Sophia,Gregory& Tina:Yes!

Jennifer:It's very good.

Malik:Oh,okay then good.

Tina:Okay,so is anybody else ready for some dessert or is it just me?

Alice:I'm ready for some dessert!

Tina:I know you are,girl! Feed that baby!

Alice:Oh,trust me,I will *pats her stomach*


Sophia:I just hope that the dessert sounds more appetizing than the food.

Tina:Oh Lord,Sophia,now is not the time to be picky.You know you liked it.

Sophia:Yea,but the name--

Tina:Shh,my dear and just have a good time with me while you're here.

Sophia:Okay,but if I look at the and the name doesn't sound appetizing,then I'm good.

Tina:Okay,child just hush your mouth *giggles again*

°text message°

If you want,you can have me for dessert tonight ;)  -Jacob

Sophia:*reads text and looks at Jacob*


Sophia:*sighs and replies*

°text message°

I'll think about it lol I wanna see what do they have here to serve for dessert -Sophia

Jacob:*reads text and chuckles*

°text message°

Okay,baby girl -Jacob

Sophia:*reads text and smiles*

Jennifer:What are you smiling for?

Sophia:I'm seeing a movie about the dog and a cat.

Jennifer:*confused* What?

Sophia:Meaning none of your business,big head *sticks her tongue out*

Jennifer:*laughs* Okay,I got you, just wait and see.

Sophia:I love you,too,boo boo *blows a kiss*


Tina:You gotta love it,right?

Gregory:*nods* Yea

Sophia:She know I love her! Don't you,boo boo?

Jennifer:Yea,yea,yea,now let me eat in peace *bites into food*

Sophia:See? I told you so

Gregory: Oh boy *chuckles and shakes his head*

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