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-haru-chan come on I'll help you with your outfit
(N) held haruhis hand and smiled at her,the brunette female smiled back and nodded
-ehh we want to help too
Hikaru bended over placing his hand on (n) shoulder
-noo way hikaru!stop being such a pervert
Kaoru got closer to her face and gave her his shining smile
-then I'll help you to wear your kimono (n) chan
-s-shut up kaoru! No!
The twins stopped and glared ar her for a minute *can she really* they both thought
Kyoya-okay I'm giving you all an hour to get dressed we have clients to take care of! You two let them change!
-haru-chan lets change already
(N) moved closer to haruhi and put the kimono on her body,a beautiful dark blue kimono she designed
-maybe we should leave your hair like that I'll just put in some accessories
She nodded
-this is really beautiful
Haruhi turned to her and the brunette tinted up in a red color
-hmp...what's wrong
-n-no nothing (n)chan it's just that you have really good forms...
(N) got goosebumps all over her body as she covered up her chest with her hands
-d-don say that haru-chann! I know you're a girl but you look like a boy right now it's embarrassing!
-ahaha sorry about that I'll put on your kimono for you-haruhi grabbed the clothing item-ahh this looks beautiful...-it was a baby pink kimono with gold colored roses covering the bottom 2/3 slowly fading in the fabric as the print went up-you really love this color don't you?
-ahh kaoru once told me that I'd look better with this color
Haruhi looked up at her in surprise
-do you live your life based on his likings?thats not really okay stop that and live the way you want,you only have one life and don't make it someone else's
(N) looked down and covered her mouth-haruhi-her voice cracked and the short haired girl hugged the teared up female-i can't control myself! Haruhi I love him so much...
Kyoya walked in the changing room looking mad
-hey didn't i tell you to be fast! People ar-he stopped after noticing his drear friends look-(n)... why is the kimono so revealing?
She looked down confused as the twins walked by the room
-hey  are you two doing something you shouldn't-hikaru smirked
-(n)chan cover up,we're guys after all we have a perverted mind-kaoru said trying to give a poker face to not show his emotions
-n-n-no it's not supposed to be like this!haruhi-chan you put it on wrongly!
-but I think you have a good body why don't you show it off more?doesn't matter! Male or female you should be able to show your body
Haruhi and kyoya walked out leaving the three in the room
-d-don't just stare just get out!
-hmp but haru-chan is right you do have a nice body-hikaru said and held his chin,the female tensed up and got covered in a shade of red
-haha sorry,you'll have a hard time putting it on so let me help you-kaoru said and moved in closer to fix it all up as hikaru stood there in silence.
His touch from behind the fabric was already enough to drive her crazy
-okay all done...-kaoru gazed at his work and was left slightly overwhelmed-y-you looked really pretty
She thanked him and walked outside. Everyone stared at how beautiful the scene of her walking so gracefully in the light colored kimono was.
-THIS IS PERFECT!-tamaki yelled out-(n)chan you'll act with the twins! You need to act like your in love with one of them but your heart is broken because of their relationship with each other and you seek comfort from your friends!
Tamaki truly didn't realize how much pain this would bring the poor girl
-sempai you idiot-haruhi mumbled

The act started and to make the matters easier for herself (n) acted as she was in love with hikaru
-hikaru-kun here have this peace of chocolate i made it for you.
She leaned in closer plastic the peace in his mouth,hikaru turned to kaoru
-kaoru do you not want some?
-ahh I'd love to hikaru! But is there any left-hikaru grabbed his brother and brought him closer
-then i will be your sweet treat...
The girls screamed out of excitement
-b-but isn't our dear friend in love with hikaru... how will she feel after seeing this?-one said and the whole group looked towards her...
Everyone gasped as they saw her emotional face filled with pain
-is she really that good of an actor?-the client said and (n) felt her a cold streak of a tear on her cheek
-h-hey (n)chan you shouldn't be taking it this seriously-kaoru stopped the act
-ahh no... sorry...It's all okay just got something in my eye...I have to go!-she said and ran away.
-h-hey (n)!-kaoru screamed as he held his hand up in attempt to reach out to her
she ran trough the tall walls of her school until she could feel her lags go weak,she set down under the stairs that leaded to the third floor,she hoped that no one would see her there but...
-leave me alone-the male leaned down
-but you're clearly not okay just talking to me...was it because i was acting like that with hikaru
-stop that! You're hikaru! I can tell why can't you just understand already?-she looked up with a sharp move and her hair moved in the front covering her pain filled face
-well there goes my wanna talk to me about it?-hikaru set down next to her-why do you only like him so much? We're quite the same you know
-you're not...I've tried showing this so many times...I can't explain why I really can't
-then try! Try explaining your feelings even if you think you can't,even if it won't make any sense it will feel better for you
-I love him so much...his look on others,his voice,his attitude...I love those things so much
-so are those things that different us?
-not only those things,he has different gestures,moves,he's more calm,caring to others he smiles differently...
-well that feels like you're saying he's better than me
-no no-she shackled her head-truth be told you're better he's too clueless ! But...when i see his my heart starts beating,I feel a little lost...I can't control myself
-so you won't want me instead
-what are those qualities hikaru!-she looked away in embarrassment-no i won't... but you know this mase it easier-she was cut off by hikaru
-you heart that kaoru,she only wants that enough to prove her love to you?
Kaoru walked down the stairs and squatted down
-god this is did you knew i was there-he looked to his side and placed his hand on the back of his the same time she buried her face in her knees and covered her head with her hands,she just indirectly confessed her feelings
-okay then I'll leave you two
Hikaru got up and walked back to the room.kaoru got closer and set down next to her as she didn't even move an inch of her body
-hey,are you not going to talk to me?look at me already...-he grabbed her left wrist with his hand and moved it towards himself.kaoru slipped his other hand towards her cheek-look at me please...-she loosened up a little and lifted up her head slightly kaoru took this moment and quickly but gently lifted her head. Their beautiful eyes met for a second before kaoru hided his with his lids,he crushed his soft lips on hers and gently kissed her.a small wimp escaped her lips out of surprise and kaoru figured this would be his only chance to kiss her for real and he took it,he pulled her in even closer by her head implying that he wasn't letting go anytime soon so she completely gave in.she was bagging for air so he let her go
-k-kaoru what the hell was that for?!
-hehe told you i still needed you close to me-he held her hand and looked to the side-i love you too
-you've already said that...
-yahh but this time I'm ready to take your feelings...
Her eyes widened and she quickly looked towards his way
-r-really?-(n) covered up her mouth with her hand to cover her bushing face-t-then can i kiss you again?
Kaoru looked at her in shock at first but then smiled
-you don't have to ask me that...-he leaned in giving her another kiss that she liked so much,his lips tasted so sweet and the feeling of heath that it sent to her body was undeniable pleasurable.they broke it after a while the brunette boy looked at her with his beautiful eyes and gave her his cheerful smile
-(n) wanna hang at my place today and play basketball?
-b-but I don't know how to play...
-I'll teach you don't worry-he stroked her cheek few times and placed a kiss on her forehead-but for now let's go back or satans follower (kyoya)is gonna kill us

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