"No way, dude. Have you seen how hot the nurses are here?"

"Well, don't be expecting any of them to be eating your nuts. Seriously, just go home."

"Fine, I don't want to be here anyway when Yasmin gets back and starts stressing over you. That girl could break the world record of giving someone a headache in the fastest time, sheesh."

"Hasta luego," I call to him as he walks away, then go back into my room. I sit on the edge of the bed, looking around at the get well soon cards some of my relatives have sent me. They are cousins and uncles and aunts that I haven't spoken to in years, yet they send these like they actually think twice about me being in hospital.

"Should you be out of bed?" I freeze.

It can't be him. He can't be here. How would he even know? I'm afraid to look in case he's not even here and I just imagined that.

My eyes move slowly across the room until I meet his blue ones, my heart racing. He's skinnier then I remember, and his eyes are surrounded by dark circles; his skin grey. He is actually here. My father is here.

I stand up, forgetting all about the pain. What am I supposed to say? Am I supposed to be happy? Angry? I can't figure out why i'd be happy or angry.

"Hola, mi'jo."

A lump forms in my throat, and I fear if I speak my voice will break. He steps closer, his expression sad as he looks down at my crumpling body.

"I'm so sorry."

And that's it. I break, tears falling down my cheeks. "Don't. You caused all of this."

"I know, and I don't know how I can ever make this up to you, but-" he frowns, "I wish you had told me."

"What's the point? You couldn't do anything."

"But i'm still tu padre."

I look away from him and wipe away the wetness under my eyes. "Just go away."

His sad eyes get even sadder. "I'm not leaving yet. This is the first i've seen you in months."

"Who's fault is that?"

He steps closer. "I'm sorry!" Checking behind him, he lowers his voice. "I'm sorry."

"That won't take this all back. That won't get you out of prison. Marco, Carlos, Ray – they don't have a Dad anymore."

His face screws up in pain, and he looks down to redeem himself, before locking eyes with me again. "Thanks to you getting Cal to basically admit to forcing me to kill that guy, i'm going to court about limiting my prison sentence."

I can't help the flow of relief that takes over me when he says this. That'd mean i'd be going to court too though, and i'm already going about my work with Cal. "You still killed a guy though."

"Even if I never got involved with Cal in the first place, that guy would still be dead."

"That doesn't make it okay-"

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