-Chapter 53.

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Justins POV

"Mom" Maddie said and stumped her feet. Acting like she did when she was 7 years old again. Except this time she had a big stomach and carried around two babies.

"Your mom is pregnant" I blurted out, and Selena gave me a death glare. Shit, she wanted to tell her.

"What!? How can this happen?"

"You know-" Selena started and looked at her feet.

"Don't even" Maddie said and covered her ears.

She hates it when we talk about sex, and us doing it makes her gag.

"Ahhhh" Maddie screamed all of the sudden. Her water broke. Crap this is happening, I'm going to be a grandfather.

"Let's go to the hospital" Selena shouted and we all rushed down to the cars.

I carried Maddie down so she didn't have to use her strength. She has already had 4 contractions. They're about 10 minutes apart.


We all rush inside the ER, I found a nurse who directed us to a room. There are a lot of pregnant women here.

Maddie is close to giving birth to the twins. I'm not allowed to be in there. Only Selena is. I can be there but Maddie wouldn't let me. She think it's embarrassing to have me in there.

I was about to tell her I have seen her naked, but I figure its not the best time. From outside of the room there is a lot, a lot of screaming.

I can't believe I'm going to be a grandfather, and I'm going to be a father for the fifth time again soon. I'm so blessed

"Justin!!! Babe come here" I could here Selena scream. I must have fallen asleep.


In the room all the doctors were running test and doing their thing. Madison was holding two perfect babies.

"Meet Asher Drew Bieber and Leslie Marie Bieber"

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