-Chapter 9.

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Selenas Pov

I can Feel something shaking me gently. I slowly open my eyes. Only to see an angels face.
"Babe it's time to wake up" says Justin sweet voice. Outside the windows, it's still dark. Why would he want to wake me up?

"It's still night" I complained, I tried to sit up, but failed completely.

"It was never dark, we took off this After noon" he chuckled. Oh yeah I forgot we were on an airplane.

"All right, then I will get up" I say finally giving in. The girls seems too be up already. Great I'm the lazy one.

"Hahaha I'm Taylor, I'm creeping on you Selly, ha!" My phone rings, Taylor when did you record that ringtone? She is kinda creeping in on me.

"Hey Tay, what's up?" I answer still not completely awake.
"Sel where are you?" Her voice is pretty shaken up, she doesn't sound like her self.
"I've told you, I'm taking Justin and the girls to Disney"
"Oh I remember, my memory isn't very good.... Wait a second, is Justin with you" she just can't calm down? Can she?
"Yes! The girls need to be more with him, I don't want them to grow apart from their daddy" I tried my best to convince her, but I'm pretty sure she isn't. Considering it's half true, I don't want them to grow apart, but I wanted him too. She just can't know that, not yet.

"All right, I'll come. I need to talk to you right now" and hung up on me. Something is up.

"Mommy, look what daddy dressed me up as" Maddie came in pouting.

The clothes she was wearing was hideous. Green shoes, yellow leggings, greenish/yellow colour shirt. And pig tails, well she had three of them.
I cover my mouth, try my best not to laugh. Melanie came in, having the exact same on.

I burst out laughing, I laughed so hard, my eyes were wet. I'm such a bad person. LoL.

"Stop laughing mommy!" They both screamed at me, they started to cry.

"Where the heck, did you get that outfit?" I asked Justin and pointed at our babies.

"I bought it, some time ago. It was meant for Maddie and her friend, but they never even wore it" he said, did he not see, that they weren't looking good? That's probably why they never wore it in the first place.

"How you get it on the plane, I was crying the suitcase" I say, obviously still confused.

"The man at the airport, took it. It was at the back of the car" he shrugged and I shook my head in disbelief.
Both of the girls are still crying, I don't blame them. If I looked like that, wearing those items. I would cry too, maybe even more.

"Taylor is coming" I announced, both of the girls shut up immediately. They love their auntie, maybe even more than their parents.

"What? Why didn't you tell me" Justin asked nervously, he was scared of her. I personally think it's funny.

"Well she called me, she just told me, she would join us" I say.

"On an airplane?"

"Yes? It's private remember?"

"Yeah right, I can't call anyone from my plane" he was so jealous of Taylor.

"This is your captain Penelope. We are landing soon, please be seated" the speaker sounded.

We did as we were told to do. Im sitting beside Maddie and Justin was sitting with Melanie.

The landing was pretty solid, not many rocky moments. The girls were terrified. Melanie was most, she hasn't been traveling as much as Maddie. Maddie traveled with me and Justin all the time, but Melanie has only been with me.

We were landing really close to Disney, Taylor brought this special landing spot, well I did. It was my birthday present for her last year. It was so expensive, but I love her and she loved it!

We all unbuckled our seat belts, the second we could. We were all just so excited, to just get off. Justin was kind if getting claustrophobic. The jet is huge, but he insisted on it.

The "airport" is pretty crowded considering its 9pm? I don't know? Maybe this is the time most people travel. The actual airport is really close, I think? Well we landed in the airport, but we had the closets spot I guess?

We were outside by now. The paparazzi it's crazy. My poor little girls, they are both so scared of the cameras. Maddie is hugging my neck like her life depended on it. Melanie did the same to Justin.

I'm just scared, that Justin is going to go crazy on the paparazzi. I've seen it before and that was because of me, just imagine what he would do, if they went after his little girls!

The flash from the camera was too much. I ended up being the one going buck!

"Get away now! I'm serious! If you come near my little girls, I swear I will kill each and every one of you!!!" I yelled, covering Maddie ears.

They all got a good scare, even Justin was startled. I thought that Maddie and Melanie would be scared, but instead they just laughed and yelled back at them. We all ended up laughing, even the pap, they forgot to take pictures.

The limo ride was rocky, we were in the limo for 2 min I think...  the girls feel asleep, and we had to carry them to the suite. It was huge, big master bed and they gave us what I asked them for, a house with living room, two bedrooms and a kitchen, bathroom too tho;).  In the girls room, they prepared two princess bed for them. They are gonna love it!

"Which house are you staying at?" A text from Taylor, she is quick on her move.

"House 13, area 13" I text back quickly.

It didn't take long before the bell rang, Justin sprinted over to open the door, if only he knew its Taylor. I place Maddie on her bed and walked back to the living room. Justin's face was so pale after seeing Taylor.

"I like how I scare you" Taylor smirked at him, giving me a wink. Her suitcase is big, bigger that ours and we are four!

"Nice to see you Taylor" Justin said and walked towards the girls room. We burst out laughing at Justin's reaction, but honestly you should have seen his face. Literally like a mouse that seen a cat.

"So Tay?" I was expecting her to be vomiting words, like always. This time she's different. She is quiet, and uncomfortable.

"I'm so tired can we talk tomorrow? I just needed to be with someone tonight" she said, headed towards the couch and bumped down.

Taylor fell asleep ASAP, she must be very tired, she usually is up till very late.

I went back to mine and Justin's room, he was laying only with underwear on. We can't do anything, cause Taylor is in the other room. I lay down besides him and kiss his neck gently, before snuggling closer up to him.

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