-Chapter 29.

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Selena's POV

Justin's condition got better and was realised from the hospital. He is not allowed to be alone, someone has to watch him all the time.

I decided to let him stay at home with me, The kids have been enjoying his company. Emory is getting to know him.

Maddie is being a true helper, by helping Justin gain his memories, he is already doing so much better and gained a lot.

Today I was babysitting Taylor's little twins, she and Calvin had to arrange a funeral for their baby.
Skye starts to cry, I'm just glad Taylor left me two bottles.

After Skye finished her bottle, I gave Marie her bottle. This reminds me of Emory as a baby. I didn't even notice the tear that escaped my eye.

"Mom, daddy remembers me" Maddie came in running exited. It's never mommy anymore I thought to my self.

"That great honey, do he want breakfast?" I asked exited on her behalf. I truly want to help Justin, even if he did hurt me to many times.

Taylor wasn't happy about me helping Justin, but she did understand my situation.

Justin came into the kitchen with morning hair and Pyjamas. He was very attractive, he was once mine.

"Good morning" he said yawning.

"Morning" I answered. I flipped the pancake I was making, but dropped it on the floor. In the background I hear Justin's laugh.

"You know, you've never been good at flopping" he laughs and picked the pancake up and took a bite. "But they are delicious I must say" kissed me and walked away.

I was shocked, what just happened? He forgot about most everything, but the pancake flipping he remembers or that he started to remember this.

"Mommy!!" Emory yelled from her bedroom. I turned of the stove and walked towards her room. Her pink decorated door is adorable, she taped some of her baby pictures on the door.

"Yes baby?" I asked her and walked inside. I went over to open the window to get fresh air in.

"I'm. It feeling well mommy" she said rubbing her eyes. She was just like me, not a morning person at all.

I felt her head and it was burning, I got her out of bed. Her onesie was wet.

"Emory" I asked her tucking on her onesie.

"Sorry mommy, I had an accident" she apologised and hugged my neck for a second before letting go.

"It's okay baby" and carried her to her bathroom. I decided to give her a bath.

After the bath we went down to have breakfast, waiting for the other kiddos. They are so big now I don't need to wake them up.

"Good morning mom" Melanie said and got her plate of pancakes. "Mom, Hayden is not feeling well".

"Not her too"

"What do you mean mom? Who else is sick?" She asked almost getting her food stuck.

"Emory, I'll go check on her later"

When Maddie and Melanie was done, they drove with my mom to school. I couldn't drive them because Emory wouldn't let go of me.

Emory is finally asleep and I had time to make Hayden's breakfast and tea. I put it on a tray and walked up to her room.

Hayden was laying in bed tossing around.

"Mommy?" She asked and it warmed my heart she called me mommy. It's only Emory who still calls me mommy.

"Yes honey, I have your breakfast" and put down the tray. She was having a fever as well as Emory.

"Drink your tea" and gave her the tea, she drank it and started to sweat.

"Mommy now I'm gross" she complained and put down the empty cup.

"Don't be silly baby, you're not gross" I said kissing her forehead.

"Hey daddy" Hayden said looked over at the door, where Justin was Standing.

"Can I talked to mommy" he asked her and was given a not in return.

"So....." I started since he didn't say anything.

"I'm so sorry" he said.

"For what?" A bit confused.

"For everything Sel, everything babe" he finished.

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