-Chapter 47.

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Justin's POV

Emory told me she found Maddie sitting with Selena's old pain killers yesterday. The fucking Wesleys I'm going to kill them.

My little girl, she is my damn daughter and princess. No one I allowed to lay a finger on her. They made her want to end her life.

"Justin please calm down" Selena said and wrapped her arms around me from behind.

"Did you know she tried to take her own life?" I said furiously and with so much anger in my voice.

"She did" Selena started to cry.

"Yes, Yesterday Emory saw it" I sighed.

Selena didn't reply, she just sobbed against my shoulder. She would probably disagree with me killing them. I'm going anyways.

Even if I was the father of Mason, I would never blame it on the girl. Well not ONLY the girl. Mason had just as much 'fun' as Maddie.

"Babe, I know you're not going to like it but I'm going to talk to them"

"Don't. I'm going to kill them with my bare hands, no one and I mean no one hurts one of my children" she stood up and walked towards the door.

She had me standing there like a fool, what just happened? This is very unlike Selena. It took awhile before I reacted and followed her to the car.

"Where do they live?" Selena asked.

"I don't know? I'll google it"

"Like you're going to find something, I'll just drive" she said and pulled out of the driveway.

"Wait, Maddie didn't she ask you to pick her up the other day?"

"Yes?" I said.

"Type in the address from that day, its Masons address" Selena hushed and slapped my arms.

"Okay okay... calm down" I said throwing my hands in the air in defeat, before I grabbed my phone and typed the address into the GPS.


Their house is in the neighbourhood across from ours, we didn't have to show the security guard our permission slip. That was pure luck because we don't have one.

"Sel, the speeding limits is 30km/h"

"I don't care" she said and drove even faster.

"We don't want to miss the house" and Selena finally slowed down. What is it with her? She is so moody, the mama bear has come out.

We got to house number 24, it wasn't a very big house at all. It was nothing compared to ours.

"Don't hold me back" Selena said and slammed the door and I got out. I probably need to hold her back, she shouldn't have said anything.

Selena 'knocked' down the gate and walked straight to the front door and knocked.

"Can I help you?" A female voice said. It turned out to be Phoebe.

"I'm going to strangle you all" Selena said and started to go for her. I try everything to hold her back, but seems to be impossible.

Okay guy thank you for reading this chapter. I've been working on a new book called 'fifty shades of Justin' would you consider reading it? Please leave a comment.

Do also comment a girl name and boy, I'll be needing one. You will get credit.

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