Chapter 1: The Beginning

Start from the beginning

The woman who was in her mid-30s, had beach blonde hair, soft blue eyes and fair-toned skin had done a brilliant job in raising 10 kids, 2 tweens and 3 teenagers.

It wasn't long until the small kids started wailing and complaining on how the story was too scary. Ms. Falida just gave an innocent chuckle.

"You all asked for a spooky story, so I just did what you asked me to."

And of course, the kids went on complaining and such. I sighed and leaned back onto the chair I was sitting down, placed with a distance from Ms. Falida and the children.

A voice piped up softly beside me. "You know, maybe werewolves could be real," the boy with blonde hair and blue eyes with a large head said.

"What're you getting at Armin?" the brunette boy beside Armin questioned with a frown.

"I mean..." Armin shuffled slightly as he explained, "What kind of child story can give such a vivid explanation about something?"

"Well, if the storyteller had creativity beyond imagination, I'm sure even Titans can fit in," I muttered cold-heartedly.

"(Y/N) think about it," Armin insisted.

But I don't want to think about it...

"The story has so much detail in it. Haven't you read the book 'Werewolf: Origins'? The way the author explains and how the story clicks so smoothly. Not to mention the mysterious fact that the government ordered a wipe-out on the book. It's just so suspicious. I think-"

"Armin," the brunette boy said sternly.

"What's wrong Eren?" Armin asked as he stopped his rambling.

"Enough," Eren growled as he gave a nod to my direction. I had an ugly frown plastered on my face and my eyes were dark. Armin immediately fell silent.

I had never been fond of the topic. Werewolves, I mean. Never have been, never will. I hated the very name after the incident that happened long ago. I gave a sigh and leaned further back onto the chair.

"What are you three talking about?" The sudden soft voice of Ms. Falida startled us all.

Eren looked away and Armin bowed his head. The thing is, Ms. Falida has strictly forbid us to start discussing about werewolves. She'd start rambling on how they're just silly stories and scold us for taking the subject so seriously.

Though I knew she meant well.

She was very well aware of the fact that werewolves were a sensitive subject for me. But no, Armin and his overly excited thirst for knowledge just had to start on blabbering shit.

"Well?" she repeated.

I gave another sigh and smoothly lied, "Armin was just commenting on how much of a scaredy cats kids these days."

"Really?" Ms. Falida raised an eyebrow. "I don't think Armin's the type to say those stuff."

"Well," I said as I thought of a sentence to back up my lie.

"Puberty can do many things."

Armin's face twisted in surprise and embarrassment, a bright shade of red covering his features. His mouth was left slightly open from his surprised gasp and his pupil were shrunk.

"Oh." Ms. Falida gave an uncomfortable cough. "Well then, you three should head to bed. It's late."

I glanced at the grandfather clock in the living room.

9:30 pm.

I frowned. That isn't late at all though.

But we knew better than to argue with Ms. Falida about sleeping rules. As if in a silent command, Eren, Armin and I stood up and left to our designated rooms.

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