Death and Flight

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Cleo's POV

I stand there listening to the priest prays for my parents souls as they are laid to rest in proper Quileute tradition. Well as traditional as possible with us not being in their place of birth. But they are being burned in the forest which allows their spirits to return to paradise. I'm the only one here aside from the priest and my two best friends. When it was time I lit both the wooden pedestals and watch my parents being turn to ash.

"It'll be ok Cleo" Ricky assures me putting his arm around my shoulders as I lean my head on his.

"Do you really have to leave?" Amanda asks me. She is Ricky's girlfriend and my best friend.

"Yes, they should know of my parents deaths" I tell her running a hand through my short hair. It used to be long, but I cut it when my parents died. Ricky, Amanda and I were out clubbing while my parents had a date night. They had taken Dad's bike and were riding around the country when a drunk driver hit them. I still remember their smiling faces before they left.


"Now you be good" mum tells me.

"Yeah don't get drunk" Dad adds sternly.

"I won't be drinking dad, as I am the driver for tonight" I reminded him. "Now you two have fun, I love you" I tell them. Mum and Dad smiled giving me a big hug before putting on their leather jackets. As they left Amanda and Ricky showed up in Ricky's car. Amanda helped me get ready before I took them to the bar.

We were having a great time, Ricky and I even had a go on the mechanical bull. I stayed on longer them him, but he was already nearly drunk by then. It was soon time to go home and when we got there the police was waiting. They asked which one of us was Cleo Uley and I stepped forward asking what was wrong. The officer told me of my parents deaths and now here we are a week later.


"Just because my parents never stayed in contact or told their family about me. Doesn't mean I have to keep their death a secret. I actually might stay awhile as I am curious about where my parents grew up. But I promise to stay in contact" I assure them.

"We'll just miss you Cleo" Ricky says kissing my forehead. Ricky was like a big brother to me whereas Amanda is like a sister. "When are you leaving again?" he asks.

"Tomorrow, I have to begin my search as soon as possible. The sooner I leave the sooner I return" I tell him. "Besides the only thing I know about them is that they live in a small town near Port Angeles" I state.

"We love you girl, don't forget that" Amanda says giving me a hug. "I still wish you didn't cut your hair" she adds touching it. Amanda loved playing with my hair doing different braids and hairstyles with it. But so did my mum and it just reminded me to much of her.

"I'll let it grow back one day" I assure her. But that may not be for years as I am actually enjoying having it short. "I have to go and get some sleep, I have an early flight tomorrow" I remind them. By the way if you wonder where I live, I live in Texas the North-west Houston. Near Bears Creek Pioneers park, so it'll be about six and half hour flight. My flight leaves at six in the morning, so I have to be up really early.

(Airport the next morning 5:45am)

"Flight from Houston to Port Angeles leaves in fifteen minutes, this is the last boarding call for flight to Port Angeles Washington" a voice called over the intercom.

"That's me, see ya guys" I say giving them a final hug. Before grabbing my carry on bag and handbag. I head to the gate and show my ticket to the flight attendant. Before boarding the plane and taking a window seat. As I look out the window I see Amanda looking at the plan and wave to her. She smiles waving back as Ricky holds her close and us passengers were told to put our seat belts on.

I do so and relax as we begin to take off. I decide to catch up on some sleep and ask for a pillow. Once I had one I put earphones in and press play on a music mix before falling into a light sleep.

(Five hours later)

I woke up and go to the bathroom before returning to my seat. I check my phone for any messages and see one on facebook from my two best friends. I then start to watch a movie that was playing, which happens to be Inspector Gadget. An hour and twenty minutes later it was announced we'd be landing soon. So I put seat belt back on thinking about who to visit first. My aunt Sue or Uncle Billy, but I settle on Uncle Billy as we pull up to the gate. Mum always spoke very highly of him. Dad said mum had been married to a Harry Clearwater and was pregnant when he and mum left town.

I gather my suitcase from the conveyor belt before going to get a taxi. Once I reach the hotel I go through the phone book. To see both my Aunt and Uncle leave in a place called La Push near Forks. So I decide to book a room at the Forks Inn and that I'd go there tomorrow in a taxi. Right now I had some lunch and let my friends I know I had reached the hotel safely.

I then start to think of how to approach my uncle. I decide to just go to his house and ask to see him. Then I'd be more settle with my aunt as I know she has a child my age and a family of her own. I don't want to be an intruder into her or her families life.


Picture above Emmie Black and Lucas Uley. Picture on the external link of Ricky and Amanda.

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