Jellal x Reader | Witch Hunt | AU

Start from the beginning

She was hit and poked as she was dragged around. her dress became dirty, as did her whole body. She didn't show any sign of resistance.

What was the point? She doesn't want to be seen more as criminal to everyone.

Even if she was already a criminal because she was born a witch.

She was thrown into a jail cell and will most likely be killed tomorrow without trial. That's how it had always happened. The suspected were killed in the morning as a public execution without trial. They were doomed.

[Name] curled up in the corner, her head down as her hair fell depressingly past her face. She looked outside the window, which was barred. She could see birds flying in the sky, as though they had not a care in the entire world.

With a single accusation, her fate had been determined. No. Her fate had been determined from the moment she was born.

The moment she came into this world.

She didn't sleep the whole night but pretended to be. Her dress had been torn to rags by the people. The night was silent, empty.

Apart from the time when she had heard footsteps come closer to her cell. [Name] at the time had turned her head to the side, feigning sleep.

"I'll be fine. Leave me be" she could hear a voice command. She instantly froze, recognising the voice immediately. [Name] continued to feign sleep as a tear slipped from her eyes.

She can no longer meet his eyes anymore. It's not like she can deny their accusation. She was indeed a witch.

And that is the thing that is most cruel.

[Name] was born a witch, something that she had no control over. She can't control who she is. None of it is her fault.

When she was younger, she had prayed to be normal. To not be a witch anymore.

But who exactly was it that was supposed to hear her prayer?

She was a witch, according to everyone else, an unholy being. That is why she must die. Because she does not deserve to live for what she was born as.

In what world was that fair?

'If my love was just a curse then I have only tears to shed'
'Penitence for your crime!'
'Penitence and your life!'
'Let it light, let it burn out bright and with it all your spite'
'Feel now the weight of death and soon...'

"Are you really a witch?" Jellal had asked her, knowing that she was awake.

[Name] stayed silent for a while, really afraid of what his response would be.

"I've never used magic before, but I can't deny the accusation. I was born a witch" [Name] mumbled into the silence.

There was a silence after that and the footsteps could be heard heading back towards the doors. [Name] looked up to see him heading back towards the door.

Had he expected her to deny that she was a witch? Was he really going to take her word?

"You don't believe me do you? It's true, I haven't ever used magic" [Name] said sadly, looking to the side. Does he think that she had created the emotions that she felt? "I can promise you that everything I felt for you was real. I've never lied to you"

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