Sawada Tsunayoshi

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I was 3 when the accident happen. Since that day, My mother despite me. She always hurt me by slapping me on the face. I really know why, because it was my fault that Ie-nii was being caught in the kidnapping incident instead of me.

Maybe when I was the one who caught up, Mom won't do this to me. Instead she will be happy.

I was crying in my room the whole day, no the whole week. I was so depress that from whole week I didn't eat at all. All I did is to blame myself on that accident.

When Ie-nii came back, he was smiling. He was smiling along with my mom. Its my first time to see my mom has a genuine smile and Ie-nii is very very much happy.

I want to hug my Ie-nii, I want to touch him, play with him. But I doubt myself, because if I came close to him again he will be hurt again, and I don't want to see my Ie-nii will be hurt.

I was 5 when and Ie-nii was 7 when Ie-nii discover about me always hiding in the room of darkness. He ask mom if what I am, and my mom said nothing. That I was just nothing to be concern on.

At first Ie-nii was happily playing in my room, and always visit to my room, but a month later when Mom find out about that, she start to beat the crap out of me.

Then Ie-nii stop visiting me, instead he and his friends bully me and call me Dame-Tsuna since I was useless just like my mother said.

I was 5 When Ie-nii start to bully me.
I was 5 when mom start to slap and beat out the crap of me, she once gave me a punch that straight to my throat and I cough blood. Next thing I know I can't talk anymore.

Maybe its for the better, that I'll just live in the shadow, a shadow of Ie-nii. A shadow who will never been found.

I was 5 when a blond man came to the house with his boss. Ie-nii call him papa. I thought that was my father too, a tear escape from my eyes I want to hug my father, I want to make him smile., I want to play with him. But I know deep inside his just going to be hurt when I'm around so its better off without me.

I keep myself in the room. In the room where its dark and and quiet. Its dark and lonely. I could heard some giggle laughs down stair but I ignore them and cry.

I wish I was there with them.
I wish I could smile like them.
I wish I would be happy like them.

I look at the stars through my window and the full moon that shine through. I keep staring at the moon and star while crying and wishing that this pain will go away.

I keep crying until I fell asleep.
No one cares about me anyway.

Want to ask my name?

My name is Sawada Tsunayoshi.
5 years old.


Thanks for reading 😄😄
hope you like it 😊😊

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