7 I can't say goodbye 7

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I opened my eyes to see white. Am I dead? The light was blinding, and I shut my eyes again.

"Sam?" Colby

I looked up to see Colby hovering over me. 

"Colby." I meant for it to sound strong, to reassure him that I was okay, but it came out as a whisper. 

He placed his hand on my cheek as silent tears slid down his face. I lifted my arm with great difficulty and wiped them away. "Don't cry, I'm okay."

"No you're not." He said, sounding choked. "The doctor says you won't recover."

"I know," I whispered, turning my head away. "I can tell." 

"I can't do it, Sam." He said. 


"I can't say goodbye. I only just got you, I can't give you up. I don't know how I'll survive without you." 

I held onto his wrist, trying to comfort him. I was finding it hard to keep my eyes open. "It's okay," I just kept repeating. "It'll be okay."

I tried my best but my eyes closed involuntarily. 

"Sam?" Colby's voice came from far away. He sounded panicked. 

"It's fine, I'm still here," I tried to say, but I couldn't make a sound. I urged my mouth to move and tried to open my eyes. It didn't work. My hand fell from his wrist; I had no control over my body anymore. 

I panicked at first, and then a sudden calm washed over me. I'd known this would happen, but knowing didn't make it easier. I could still hear Colby, he was calling for doctors. The room was chaos, but it was too far away for me to care.

But Colby. Colby was there in that room, and he was getting farther away with it. 

Come with me! I urged inside my head, willing him to understand like before. I got no sense that he heard me. He was so far away now that I could barely hear his cries as he was pulled out of the room.

As the last bit of noise faded from my ears, I heard Colby call, "I love you, Sam, I promise I'll come get you soon!"


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