6 One More Day 6

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I woke up in pain. Something's not right. 

My chest burned, and nothing would ease the tightness I felt. I gasped, trying to call for Colby. He wasn't with me, and I couldn't manage a word. This was all wrong. Am I dying? It's too soon, too soon! I was supposed to have one more day, but here I was, struggling to breathe. I could feel my heart fluttering. It was horrible; as if I was being startled but I wasn't. It was skipping beats and thudding at irregular times. I tried to fix it by pounding my fist on my chest. I couldn't move from where I was lying.

"25!" I choked out finally.

I heard glass break in the other room and footsteps thudded into the room. I shut my eyes tight, trying to keep from feeling the pain that ricocheted through my body. 

"Sam!" Colby shrieked. He dialed 911 immediately and told them what was going on. I heard someone speaking on the other side of the phone and Colby was doing as it told him.

 I felt Colby's hands on my chest as my head throbbed and my vision went black.


Just One Week || Sam GolbachDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora