"You shouldn't have said that," he tells Yasmin as they get off of the floor.

"It's not my fault she obviously has issues with you. Maybe you didn't satisfy her enough."

They start to argue while I lie down on the couch, staring at the imaginary lines in the ceiling and listening to the beat of the music. Music sounds better than it ever has before. Somewhere in the lines in the ceiling I see a face; Amelia's face. I squeeze my eyes shut, and when I open them again, she's gone.

Yasmin sits down just beside my head when Val leaves. "That boy needs therapy."


"Why did you take cocaine? It's bad enough that Val does."

"I want to go a walk."

"Are you really that sad over Amelia?"

"La extraño."

"Then why aren't you with her right now?"

"Soy peligroso."

"Because of the Cal dude? Then get a grip of your life and sort it out."

"I can't."

"Figure something out. It's not healthy for you to be without her."

I really miss her. It's been three weeks since we last spoke, and since we even made eye contact. I wish she was here, sitting in her baggy t-shirt and pretty blonde hair. She could just be sitting beside me doing nothing and this whole room would look so much brighter. God, i'm starting to sound like Jace. Maybe one phone call won't hurt, right? I just need to hear her voice at least.

Reaching into my pocket, I discover that it's empty. "Where's my pho- Shit. Montana took it."

Leaving Yasmin, I walk into the crowd of people, pushing past and looking for Montana. The whole room is blurry and I can't really tell where people are standing exactly, so I put my hands in front of me and touch everyone I pass. One girl touches my crotch then giggles with her friends like a little kid but I don't even care. I just need to get my phone and call Amelia.

"Where's she?" I say to Val when I get to him, grabbing onto his shoulders.

"Come again?" He laughs.

"Where... Is... Montana?"

"She left."

"No, no, no, crap. Shit. Fuck."


"Why the fuck did you have to make her leave?"

"I didn't?"

"You were being a stupid oblivious idiot!"


"Because she obviously likes you or something. Or something's up with her."

"You're squeezing my shoulders too tight,"
he shrinks down and I drop my hands.

"Hola, mis hermanos," Santiago says, putting his arms around us but I shrug him off.

"Go away."

"Geez, that's not very nice."

"Go away then."

Santiago looks at Val. "He's on coke," he explains.

"So? Your point?" I shove Val, then wonder why I just did that.

"So, you're being an aggressive little fuck."

"Whatever. I don't need this." I push past them and go out the door, walking to my car.

"What the hell are you doing, Alex?"

"Fuck off, Jace." I open my car door, but he just shuts it again.

"Get a grip, man."

"I'm trying, dipshit! I just need to get out of here."

"Don't take your fucking shit out on me. And you're not driving like this."

"You can't tell me what to do," I laugh, opening my door. When he shuts it again, I snap, turning around and hitting him in the face.

I get into my car while he's trying to pick himself up, clutching his face. I start the engine as fast as I can, even though it's hard to see, then I leave before he can stop me.

I want to go to Amelia's house, but I can't because we're not talking anymore, and if we did hang out as even just friends, her life would go to shit again. A car beeping it's horn pulls me out of my thoughts, and I swerve to the right just before it hits me.

As i'm passing Enrico's apartment block, I pull into the parking lot at the last second.

"How did you get here?" Enrico asks when I walk inside his apartment.


"You drove? Bro, you can't even walk in a straight line."

"I need your help."

"Okay... What's up?"

I restlessly pace around the room while Enrico sits on the couch, watching me. "I'm messed up with Dad's boss and I need out."

"Seriously? When did that happen?"

"Just after Dad got arrested."

"Shit... Why didn't you tell me sooner, Alex? This is serious."

"I just need out. I can't take it anymore."

"Fine. I'll help. Give me details."

So I tell him everything.


ah geez, stupid alex.

teaser: alex and enrico make a plan to take down caligari

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