Chapter 13 - Birth part 2

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Blaine pov -
I hate seeing Kurt in so much pain it's killing me.
"Arrrrggghh, I can't do this Blaine the contractions are getting so close together and very strong"
"Oh baby I know they do, I wish I could take all the pain away"
"I know Blaine, I know I'm being a drama queen"
"No you are not mister, you are being so brave into bringing our child into the world"
"Aww Blaine I love you"
"I love you more honey"
"Could you rub my back?"
"Of course I can honey, anything for you"
I rub Kurt's back while he breathes through the contractions.
"Oh that's better, but I think I feel pressure down there"
"Want me to get the midwife honey?"
"Yes please"
I walk out into the corridor, the midwife comes over to me.
"Is everything alright Mr hummel-anderson?"
"Well Kurt is feeling pressure down below"
"Well that's a sign that the baby wants to come out now"
We both enter the room and see Kurt in a lot of pain.
"Right Kurt what position do you want to give birth in?"
"I want to be on the bed with Blaine behind me"
"Alright, we'll boys it's time to welcome Elijah into the world. You ready?"
"Yes" Kurt says while grabbing the gas and air.
"Right kurt on your next contraction I want you to start pushing"
The contraction comes and Kurt starts pushing.
"That's good Kurt, but it's going to have to be a bit stronger than that I'm afraid"
"Seriously this hurts" Kurt whines in response.
"I know Kurt but you want to meet your little boy"
My heart melts for him.
"You can do it baby, you're so strong"
The next contraction comes and soon enough Kurt starts pushing again
"Excellent Kurt that's better"

Kurt pov-
Half an hour passes and Elijah's head is out.
"Blaine do you want to see your son come into the world?"
"Of course, is that alright honey?"
I start to push again, this time his shoulders are out.
"Right Kurt on your next contraction I don't want you to push, because I want you to save all of your energy on the final one"
On the next contraction I feel the urge to push but I don't.
"Right Kurt, are you ready?"
"Yea I am"
I can see Blaine smiling, the next contraction comes and I push as hard as I can. And soon after little Elijah enters the world.
"Oh my god baby you did it!"
Blaine says while kissing me on the lips. Wow I just gave birth to our son that's amazing.
"I had your help Blaine"
"But you did all the hard work honey"
We hear Elijah's soft cries, music to our ears. The midwife hands him over to me after he's been cleaned off.
"Oh Blaine he's perfect"
"Just like you" Blaine smiles.
"Aww look he's got your hair"
"Poor kid" Blaine laughs
"Blaine your hair is perfect" I say kissing him.
"Right boys, I've just got to deliver the placenta.
I hand Elijah to Blaine.
Once the midwife has finished we sit there just staring at our beautiful baby boy.
"Have you called our families?"
"Yep I sent pictures to them, and Burt Carole, Finn and Rachel are coming tomorrow to meet him. And my parents are coming soon"
"Aww, you hear that Elijah your grandparents and auntie and uncles are so excited to meet you"
Elijah lets out a cute little yawn.
"Awww, let's get him dressed so he can go to sleep"
We both dress him, but he ends up going red in the face by crying.
"Hey what's that for little man, is it because you're tired and grumpy"
"Let's put him to sleep Blaine"
Blaine places him into the hospital crib.
"Sleep tight little man"
We stare in awe as we watch our little boy sleep.
Our lives changed forever.

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