Chapter 11

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Kurt pov
I can't believe I'm 36 weeks pregnant, so I'm like eight months only one more month to go! I'm so excited to meet Elijah so is Blaine. I don't think we can wait four more weeks but we don't want him to come early either.
My phone starts buzzing
"Oh hi dad what's up?"
"I was wondering if you were able to come down for thanksgiving?"
"Sure we were planning to anyway"
"Good, right well we'll see you tomorrow"
"Bye dad I love you"
"Love you too buddy see you soon"
He hangs up. Blaine comes in through the door.
"Hey babe, what's up?"
"Oh nothing much, but we're going to my dad's for thanksgiving"
"Oh alright well my mom wants us to visit her today, if that's alright?"
"Yea that's ok"
He sits down next to me. And rubs my belly
"Hey Elijah you ready to go to grandma and grandads?"
His answer was a kick to the side of my belly.
"Yep I guess he is" we laugh

Blaine pov
We arrive at my mom and dads house, I'm pretty excited to see them again. They've been on holiday for a few months just like the holidays we used to take when I was younger.
I go to knock on the door, my dad comes to the front door.
"Hello boys, good to see you again"
"Hi dad" I say giving him a quick hug.
We enter the living room, I see mom in the kitchen.
"Blaine, kurt! How wonderful to see you again!"
"Good to see you too Catherine"
"Oh wow James, look at our grandson!"
Catherine says while rubbing my belly.
"Oh I know isn't it great, I knew blaine would give us a grandson first"
We all laugh.
"Well I've got dinner in the oven and cooper will be arriving soon"
"Sounds lovely Catherine, do you need any help with anything?"
"Oh Kurt you should rest, but I know I never did. Alright but only simple tasks"
"Thanks Catherine"
I see Kurt walk into the kitchen with my mom, I sit down on the couch with my dad to watch the game.
"So you nervous about becoming a dad Blaine?"
"Yea I am, especially nervous about the birth"
"I was too you know, but as soon as you and cooper came into the world I knew that I could be a better father then my own was"
"Thanks dad it means a lot, I mean Burt has been great but I know only you can ease my fears"
"Yea Burt is a good guy but I know blaine -
We hear a knock on the door, dad goes to answer it.
"Hello Cooper"
"Hey dad"
I see Kurt and my mom enter the living room.
"My baby!"
"Hey mom!"
She hugs Cooper tightly. He approaches me and Kurt.
"Hey little bro"
"Hey Coop"
"Wow so when is my little nephew due eh?"
"Four weeks" Kurt answers smiling
"Wow I honestly can't wait"
"Thanks Coop it means a lot"
"No problem Lil bro"
Mom shouts from the kitchen.
"Dinner is ready!"
We all head towards the kitchen, it smells delicious I can't wait for my son to arrive.

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