Chapter- 4 ultrasound

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Blaine Pov-
No one could take my smile off my face, I was just so excited for kurts doctor appointment. I think I'm even more excited than kurt. I can't believe we're going to see our child for the first time today it just doesn't seem real, but I know it is and I just can't wait. I see kurt enter our bedroom after having a little morning sickness my heart aches at him wishing I could take it away but I know I can't. But kurt looks happy, to be honest I would be very happy too because I'd know that we'd get to see our baby. Plus having the morning sickness means that the baby is developing well and kurts body is just going to have to get used to it.
"Ugh I hate vomiting"
"I know honey but everything you go through means our baby will be worth it"
"You always know what to say to make me feel better, don't you?"
"It's my job to as a husband to make you the happiest person"
"I love you'
"I love you more" I say while hugging him.

Kurt pov-
We arrive at the surgery 10 minutes before our appointment. I can see the look on blaines face it's so cute to see he's excited it makes me feel less nervous. We walk up to the reception.
"Well hello kurt, ready to see doctor gupta?"
"Right if you'd just like to take a seat and she'll be out in a second"
We head towards the seats and blaine cuddles me, I smile. We hear doctor gupta call me and we get up and walk towards her room.
"Ah hello kurt good to see you again"
"Hello it's good to see you too"
"This must be the other father I presume?"
"Yes it is this is blaine"
"Hello doc"
"Hi blaine good to meet you, anyway are you gentleman ready to see your little miracle?"
Blaine answers "sure am"
"Right If you'd just like to lie back on the table and we'll get started"
Kurt lies back on the table and lifts up his shirt.
"Right this might be cold"
Doctor gupta applies the gel to kurts flat stomach and we hear a whooshing noise.
"That's the baby's heartbeat"
Blaine has tears in his eyes "it's beautiful"
"Well kurt I can tell you that you're about 6 weeks pregnant congratulations and I'll prescribe you some anti-nausea pills, and I'd like to see you in a month's time."
"Ok doctor can we have a copy of the ultrasound?"
"Yes of course how many?"
"3 please"
"Ok I'll print them out for you and if you have any problems before I see you just ring, bye boys"
"Bye doctor"

I would just like to say that if you did read this story then it would be great plus if this one goes well I might do a sequel bye peeps!

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