Chapter 9 -Klaine Visits Family and Friends (25 weeks)

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Blaine pov -
I can't wait to see my family again it's been too long, I've missed them all including coop. But I've been busy with work and especially with the whole pregnancy. I adore Kurt's bump it's so cute I love touching it and knowing that it's our son in there. I know Kurt has been struggling with the pregnancy especially since our son likes to kick him so much. (Obviously takes after me) I already love him and he's not even here yet, I can't wait to hold him for the first time it's going to be magic. I hear Kurt getting out of the shower. Damn he looks so sexy, obviously he disagrees but I make sure to tell him that he's beautiful everyday.
"Hey babe, looking very sexy"
"Aw babe, you know exactly what to say"
"Anything to please my sexy husband" Blaine winks
Kurt quickly puts a hand on his belly.
"Geez kid, please stop kicking my ribs it hurts papa"
"Aw he takes after his daddy" Blaine says while rubbing my belly
"Doesn't he just" Kurt says rolling his eyes
Blaine chuckles at his response
"Is everything packed?"
"Yes everything is packed, now come on Grandpa Burt wants to see us" Blaine says laughing.
"All right. I'm so excited!"
"Me too babe"
Blaine carries their luggage to the car. And they head to the airport.

Kurt pov -
I can't believe we're in Lima again, it's been ages since I saw dad. Well I do Skype him but it's really not the same. Our son starts up his kicking again, I guess he must be excited too. He must of been sleeping  when we were on the plane. He really does take after Blaine. Plus I do kinda love it when he moves around, he especially moves around when Blaine is talking. He must really love it. Oh geez I can't believe we're here already, I see my old home where dad's truck is outside. I love reminiscing about the past. I get out of the car to stretch my legs, our son does a massive kick towards my bladder.
"Geez, hurry up Blaine I need to pee!"
"Alright, I'm coming" Blaine says while carrying our luggage.
I knock on the door, and my dad comes to the door with a big smile on his face.
"Hey Kurt, oh wow look at that baby bump!"
"You calling me fat dad?" I laugh. Dad laughs along with me
"Well come on in you two, Rachel and Finn are here"
We walk into the lounge, Blaine puts our luggage in the hallway.
"Do you mind if I use the toilet first"
"Baby pressing on it?" Dad laughs
"You could say that"
"Well go on then before you pee yourself" dad laughs.
I rush to the toilet. Being pregnant is harder than I thought but I do love being pregnant it's the best feeling in the world. I come downstairs to see Blaine talking to Rachel and Finn.
"Hey bro, wow my little nephew is getting bigger isn't He?"
"He certainly is 26 weeks tomorrow"
"Aww I can't wait to meet him!" Rachel gushes.
"I can't wait either" Blaine says while rubbing my belly. A common habit he does.
"Do you mind if I feel him kick?" Finn asks
"No go ahead"
Finn comes closer to put a hand on my belly. And on cue our son kicks Finn's hand hard.
"Wow.. I.. that's amazing! Rachel come feel"
Rachel along with my dad and Carole put their hands on my belly. I reckon our son likes the attention.
"Aww it's amazing kurt" Rachel says
"Well dinner is almost ready want to sit down?" Carole asks
"That would be lovely."

Blaine pov -
It's 1:15 in the morning and I'm still awake, I hear Kurt snoring softly. I put a hand on his belly, it seems I'm not the only one awake. I feel him kick for a few more minutes. Until I reach down so that I'm in front of kurt's belly.
"Hey little guy, Can't sleep?" He kicks again against my cheek.
"I guess that's a yes" I chuckle
The baby gives a strong kick and makes Kurt stir a little.
"Hey little guy be gentle with papa he's trying to sleep, which we should be doing too. I know you're excited but it's sleepy time" oh gosh I'm sounding like a parent now, I smile and rub kurt's belly again until I fall asleep.

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