Chapter 13

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 Marinette squeaked in surprise, and her hands flew to cover herself, as if that would somehow stop Alya from noticing that her best friend had just become half of Paris' favorite crime-fighting duo.

Adrien, for his part, was absolutely no help, and just stood and stared open-mouthed at her. It was the first time he had seen her transform in broad daylight and he thought it was beautiful to behold, but now was not the time for such fixations. Seeming to come out of his shock-induced paralysis, he jumped in front of Marinette to cover her from Alya, who was still staring at her with a blank look on her face.

Blinking in their direction, Alya began to stutter exclamations before finally settling on, "Oh. My. God."

Marinette sighed, her head lolling forward to rest between Adrien's shoulder blades. Adrien had taken a decidedly defensive position, which she found adorable though completely useless. One hand reached back to rest on her waist while the other was thrown to the side, as if he were bracing them for an oncoming onslaught. Which was appropriate, except the onslaught was not going to be the physical kind. Alya could make her verbal onslaught just as jarring though, so maybe Adrien had the right idea.

Marinette peaked around Adrien to get a better look at Alya's face, only to see her grinning widely

"Yeah, so I guess the cat's out of the bag," she laughed nervously, carefully watching Alya.

"Not yet I'm not," Adrien muttered behind her and she swatted at him without looking

"Ladybug! Don't harm the citizens of Paris!" He seems to have recovered himself, Marinette thought wryly. Great timing, partner. A flash of hurt in Alya's eyes brought her up from her thoughts.

"Wait," she said in a small voice, looking at Adrien. "You're not surprised."

It wasn't a question. She stated it like it was a fact. Damn those reporter eyes. Alya missed nothing

"He only found out recently!" Marinette hurried to rush. "I didn't--It wasn't like I--I mean, I didn't want to hide it from you..."

"But you did," Alya quietly interrupted. "Girl, I get protecting your secret identity. Not wanting anyone to know, to protect yourself and them too."


"But," she continued, "What I don't understand is you telling him before me. I know you've been in love with him forever and whatever, but I'm your best friend. Or at least I thought I was. But you put some guy before us?" She paused, waiting. "Please explain this to me, Marinette. If you were trying to protect me by not telling me, why does he know? Or was I just not important enough to be in the loop."

Marinette could feel the tears running down her face. Not because of Alya's anger, because nothing that she just said was in anger. She was calm and articulate, but Marinette could see the hurt in her eyes, and the tears matching her own. But how could she explain? Alya was right, it looked exactly like she had told this guy she only recently became close to before her best friend. It looked like Marinette had trusted him more with this secret. And not that she didn't trust Alya, but she did trust Adrien more with this secret because he had as much to lose as she did. But of course, she couldn't tell Alya that.

"Alya," she began, but couldn't find the words. She wouldn't lie to her best friend. Not again, and certainly not right now.

Alya looked at her, waiting, but when it became clear Marinette had nothing to say, she started backing out of the room.

"I can't be here right now. I'll talk to you later, I guess." And while Marinette was relieved to hear her say that, she had a horrible feeling that if they ended this conversation like this, and she let Alya walk out that door, their friendship would be irrevocable changed.

Just as she was about to call out, Adrien beat her to it.

"Alya, wait!" He ran over to her, and grabbed her wrist to stop her.

"Adrien, I know you mean well, but this isn't really about you."

"No, it is. She had a good reason for telling me. I promise."

"That's nice, but I really doubt--"

"Plagg, claws out!" Adrien yelled, startling Alya who took a step back and Marinette whose hand flew to her mouth as a green flash ricocheted off the windows and glossy wood surfaces.

They all stood in silence for a few moments, before Alya shuffled to the side a few steps to link her arm with Marinette's, as if needing to physically touch her to assure herself that they were both real and this was all really happening.

"Oh. My. God." she said for the second time in the last hour.

"Good enough reason? Adrien asked, his cocky Chat smirk pointed in her direction

"Mhmm," Alya nodded, once again at an actual loss for words.

"I'm best friends with superheroes." She whispered in a daze, looking back and forth between the two of them.

"Oh my god, Mari!" She turned and grabbed Marinette by her arms tightly. "I'm so sorry! I didn't know! You were protecting him too! I just saw how calm he was, and jumped to conclusions, but I was wrong, I--"

"It's okay, " she cut Alya off, grabbing her elbows. "I completely get it. I'd be upset too, and it so looked like I was cutting you off."

"You're Ladybug!" She turned, throwing her hands in the air. "And you're Chat Noir! OhmydearsweetJesus, please be on the Ladyblog. Please please please please please--"

"Okay guys, I think we have like 10 more minutes while Natalie deals with that," Nino interrupted Alya as he backed into the room checking the hall and slowly closing the door behind him. "What'd I miss?" He asked mid-turn, and then promptly shouted "Dude!"

Looking in Alya's direction he asked, "What are Chat Noir and Ladybug doing here? And where did Marinette and Adrien go?"

"Oh hun, come here." She reached out her hand in his direction, and then turned to Marinette. "At least I wasn't the last one to know." She winked in Adrien's direction.

"Sit down, Nino. Let me catch you up."

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