23: It's All An Act

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"Why do I have to wear this?" I say staring at the dress my mom brought me

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"Why do I have to wear this?" I say staring at the dress my mom brought me. We were at my dad's house, a few hours have passed since Aaron left, trying on the clothes we'll be wearing at the wedding.

"Because that's the one that looks similar to the one your cousin Jan is wearing."

"Who the heck is Jan?"

"One of the many cousins you have."

"I have too many," I mutter under my breath as my mom walks around me, her hand around her chin as she gives me her thinking face.

"Something is not right," she says.

"Yeah, it's the dress, its ugly."

"No it isn't Lux," she remarks.

I grab onto Sage as he walks by and I pull him closer to me. He gives me that look, annoyed because I brought him too close to our very nervous and frustrated mother.

"Tell mom this dress is ugly."

"That dress is ugly mom."

Mom gives him a look, her eyes filled with rage and Sage quickly looks back at me.

"You have to suck it up and wear the ugly dress," he says and pulls away from my hold before walking off.

I let out a groan and sigh annoyed.

"Okay, you can change now," mom says, "I think it's the hair. We'll have to do something about it tomorrow."

I roll my eyes and walk away from her before walking up to my room and stripping the ugly dress off of me before putting on some comfy clothes and laying on my bed.

"So I heard you're taking Aaron to the wedding," Sage says as soon as he enters my room.

"Shut up," I say running over to him and covering his mouth.

"What?" he questions, his voice muffled.

"I haven't told mom yet. She's been so preoccupied about what she's wearing, what we're wearing and whatnot that I think she forgot about me bringing a date."

"What's the problem though," he asks, "Mom wanted you to bring a date."

"I know, but I also know how she is and if I tell her now she might make me bring him over now and I honestly don't want that."

"Do you like him?" Sage asks suddenly.

"What? No! We've been over this."

"I mean I guess we have. Last time you got kind of defensive about it though."

"He's my friend Sage. Just a friend."

"Okay," he says, "I just don't really know him that well. And from what I do know about him it's not all great things and you know that. I just want to make sure you're not getting involved with someone who might not have the best intentions. I just want you to be sure."

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