7: Do You Ever Smile?

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The next day after school Nat, Maru and I go to the mall

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The next day after school Nat, Maru and I go to the mall.

"What do you guys think about this one?" I ask as I go out.

Nat and Maru give me a look.

"What?" I ask.

"No offense but these dresses you're picking kind of look like nun clothing," says Maru.

I groan as I look at myself in the mirror, studying the dress.

"I just don't want people to get the wrong idea when they see us together."

"Why not?" asks Nat.

"What do you mean why not? We're talking about Aaron Reeves here," I point out.

"Hm," comments Maru. She stands up from the chair she was sitting on and begin looking through the rack of dresses on the side.

"I think Nat has point though," Maru says, not turning to look at us but rather continues to look through the dresses. "Aaron Reeves has a plan, now so do you."

She grabs a dress and brings it over to me.

Cautiously I take the dress.

"What's my plan?"

Maru smiles. "You're going to homecoming hot as hell. And before you object, no its not to impress Aaron Reeves. Its to show him what he missed out on the moment he fell for your 'bad boys aren't romantic' trap. And its to show Giana that you're not scared of no puta. Besides I know her kind. My sister is her age. That girl says she hates Aaron Reeves but I bet you the moment she sees you two together she'll come crawling back, and not only that she'll feel more intimidated by you than ever. And eventually she'll quit her Instagram posting shit."

"Damn Maru, that's some plan. I didn't even get that far in mine," says Nat impressed.

Maru shrugs with a smile. "I've been watching too many novelas recently. Gotta use them to my benefit somehow. Now try that on," she tells me.

I nod and take the dress with me back to the dressing room.

I end up getting the dress, Maru complimenting me while at it. Nat and Maru also look for dresses for them but Nat decides she'll wear a dress she already has. Maru on the other hand buys three dresses, all of which she loved too much, giving her a dilemma because she cannot decide which one to wear.

When I get home my mom in sitting in the living room. She's on the couch facing the television. Her hand is clicking continuously on the remote as she goes through Netflix.

"Hi," I say to her as I enter the living room and set down my bag.

"Oh hi," she says glancing at me briefly, "where's Sage?"

"Dad's," I tell her.

My mom and dad got divorced five years ago. It was something that Sage and I could sense would happen even before it did. The reality of it is that they stopped loving each other; simple as that.

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