Chapter twentynine

Start from the beginning

"What are we doing today?" The guy asked. I smiled weakly.

"I think...maybe a pixie cut?" I say. My hair grows fast anyway, and it was dead anyway. The police wouldn't recognize me. The guy looked surprised, and nodded. He began cutting, and started a short conversation with me.

"So, would you like to look at our makeup line here? Since you got a haircut it'll be half off?" The guy offered. I nodded, and he kept cutting. I guess I lost track of time because by then he was already done. I smiled at my reflection, and my short hair. I walked to the makeup line and chuckled. I don't even wear makeup, much less how to use it. I picked out some basic things like a nude-brown lipstick, eyeshadow, eyeliner, foundation, powder, and bronzer with some brushes. I went to the counter and payed for it all.

"Do you think that you can do it for me? The makeup I mean?" I asked the girl at the counter. She nodded, and sat me back into the chair.

"You doing anything special today? With your new makeup and hair?" She giggled. I nodded.

"I'm...seeing a friend today," I say. She smirked.

"A friend, you say? You like him?" She smiled. I let a smile creep up to my pale face.

"No, nothing like that...he's at the Asylum. By any chance do you know where that is?" I asked distantly. Her smirk faded when I said that he was at the Asylum.

"Weirdly, it's near here. I have no idea why they put it so close to here. It's connected to the  local hospital right across the street. Just keep on going straight, you'll see it."
She began putting on winged eyeliner which tickled my eyelids. She sighed in accomplishment, and spun me towards the mirror. I looked...prettier. Different. As I walked out the door the red headed girl grabbed my wrist tightly.

"He's watching you. He's watching all of us. Avoid him at all costs," she whispered as she pulled down her shirt to reveal the scar on her neck. I snatched back my wrist from her in fear, and ran out the door. I walked down the street, and ended up being the only one out. I felt worry creep up my skin. I stopped in my tracks. This...this is where...we went the day we met. The day he killed my brother. The day my pathetic life changed forever. I immediately knew where to go. I went to the side door where the employees exit. I waited by the door until somebody opened it.

Around 30 minutes later the door opened. My heart raced. It was a girl this time. She had long brown hair, and matching brown eyes with dark skin. She was a nurse. I stopped the door from closing, and put a rock there to prevent it from closing. I was hoping she didn't notice me, but...she did. She about to call somebody, but I instinctively punched her in the jaw. I crawled on top of her and kept on punching her neck until she was dead. I left her there and got a rock. She was still breathing. My heart raced as I slammed the rock on her neck repeatedly. I dragged her body away from the doorway and walked inside.

It was dimly lit, and there weren't many nurses. I approached one.

"Excuse me, miss, I'm obviously lost. I'm supposed to meet with my friend here today," I said sweetly. The nurse had a blank stare fixed on myself. She looked at me up and down.

"...What's his or her name?" She said looking at her clipboard.

"Justin. I never caught his last name, but I could describe his appearance if that helps," I say keeping my sweet tone. She scrolled down the page, and looked up at me.

"Luckily, there's only one Justin here. He's in room 289C. That's upstairs," she says. I nodded and smiled. I shuddered at my perkiness. I walked slowly up the stairs. What is wrong with me? I killed a person. This...whatever this is with Jeff. My heart is actually breaking. I think my heartstrings are going to break, but t h a t s fine. I looked around. 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, aha! 289! The police officer looked at me, and let me in.

"Uh...Justin?" I asked. He was looking out the window. I'm surprised that it's not boarded up, but then again we're 2 stories up. He jumped, and spun around to look at me.

"...Y-Y/N?" He stuttered. I smiled, and hugged him tightly. He hugged tighter.
"Y/N, you can't be with that guy...he's destructive...and dangerous." I smiled sadly, hugging him tightly.

"I know. Trust me. The reason I came is that I need you. I'm pretty sure he's trying to kill me, and I need to run away," I explain. I let go of him and stared into his green eyes. Please...

"We have to jump. Out the window. First, we put that desk against that door so we have a couple extra seconds," he says. I stare at him. Jump? He must be joking.

"Jump? But...we'll die," I say shakily. Justin chuckled.

"I'm worst case scenario, yes. However, there's a huge metal air conditioner that'll hold both of us. If we jump on that then we'll have a higher chance of surviving," he says. I nodded. He motioned me to move the desk. We lifted it up, and set it down on the floor. I guess we set it down too hard, became the police officer tried to get in.

"Now!" Justin yelled. We jumped out the window. In mid air, Justin pulled my close to him. I let out a scream until we landed on the air conditioner. I landed on my back. I groaned in pain.

"Cmon! We gotta go!" Justin screamed. I got up immediately, and jumped down. Which, luckily, is only a couple of feet. We were walking through an alleyway. Thank god it's not dark. He pulled my to his side, and I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Why'd you do that? You're in enough trouble, so why'd you run away with me?" I asked. Justin smiled to himself.

"Because you asked me to. And...I like you." He said. A smile crept up my face. I scooted closer to him. He's not Jeff...but that's why I trust him.

"Now what? Do we have to run away all of our lives?" I sigh. Justin chuckled again.

"My brother...he can help us. He can give us work, and temporary shelter. He lives in the city, downtown I mean, there's so many people there that they don't give a damn if you killed somebody. Except if you're a rapist, then everyone attacks you," Justin explained. I nodded, and held his warm hand.

Carved Happiness ( Jeff the Killer x reader )Where stories live. Discover now