Chapter twentynine

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Get ready for the last chapter (it's coming soon)

Jeff's POV//

Were kids. I chuckled. We're just kids. I let myself be like this. I fooled both of us. I haven't killed for myself in so long, just because I wanted to...I wanted her. I didn't want some sappy relationship. I didn't want her like that. I wanted her...dead. I couldn't put what I felt into words, but now I can. Liu? He's dead. Vivian? She's dead. Those kids who befriended Y/N. Way dead. Those smokers? Let's not talk about them. Her school? I shot the school down. With my old buddies of course. That Toby kid is a real maniac. Her parents I left alone. I'll just wait until they go to a heartbreaking divorce, and they both turn into alcoholics. The guy is starting early, and the woman is turning back into smoking. Pathetic. I seriously thought a 17 year old girl would cure my psychotic tendencies. I was pathetic. Now I understand. Slenderman corrupted my mind more than ever. Even if Y/N was still with me, she'd be dead by now. I don't know how I'm going to play her game. Truth is...I never kissed anyone. That's ridiculous. I wanted to play with her. I was laughing mentally when we fought like children. Her game...I'll win. I won't cheat or anything, I'll play fair. But I have to kill her in the end. Not immediately, that's boring. I have to punish her for reminding me of something I sort of cared for. I don't care though. She's not Liu. Liu's dead. She needs to die for her sins. I'm not evil. I'm giving back to god by ridding the sinners. If I were religious, of course. I love her. But I need her dead.

I snuck into the apartment quietly, and Y/N was sound asleep on the couch. I left a note on the table beside her, and walked into my room. I'm surprised she didn't destroy it. I took my infamous knife, the one I killed my parents with. Oh, memories. I walked by her sleeping form, and kissed her forehead.

"Goodbye, Y/N."

//Your POV//

I woke up in a cold sweat. I looked around, and calmed down my breathing. I looked to my right to see a post it note. I picked it up, and read it.

"Welcome to my game...?" I read out loud. Jeff. Why...what...what is going on? There was another post it note on the door. I groaned slightly, and got up. I took the post it note off the door, and read it.

"The police are after you, better run. If I calculated this correctly...they'll be here at about noon...," I read out loud. Oh fuck. I looked at the clock. 30 minutes.

"Oh fuck!" I yelled. I ran to my bag, and put on jeans and some converse. I put my hair down to make sure I wouldn't be noticed. I need...I need him. I need to find...I need to find Justin. He's in the if i get caught then I'll see him...maybe. I can't take that risk since I don't know if we're going to be in the same part of the building. Anyways, I would need to go there as a visitor for him and bust him out since I can't run away on my own. I know that he'll do anything for me. He liked me, and I hope he still has those feelings or else I'm fucked. I ran out the door, and ran down the steps. I tripped down the last flight, and fell face first on the floor. A woman tried to help me up but I just shook her off.

"Please stay away...," I mumble before running out the exit. I have no idea where I'm going, and I wish we--I had a car. I walked the opposite way as the apartment complex. I sighed, and put my hood up. I heard police cars in the distance. Thank god there's  people here so I can blend in. I passed by a barber shop, and I stopped in my tracks. I had a enough for a hair cut...I think. I walked in to the empty barber shop containing a few workers hanging around. They all perked up as they saw me. The girl with the red curls looked at me oddly.

"Welcome to the game," she whispered. My face went pale. The guy chuckled awkwardly.

"She means welcome to our shop," the guy said. I noticed that they all had scars on their necks. They looked fresh. The guy led me to the chair.

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