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Uma's Side

Uma looked at the barrier surrounding the Isle. If she went back, she wouldn't be able to get back out for a while. If she didn't go back she wouldn't have her crew, she wouldn't have her first mate, she would be horribly outnumbered. If she wanted to take over Auradon, she knows she wouldn't be able to do it herself. If she wanted to free everyone off the Isle, she wouldn't be able to do it without a little help.

She continued to stare at the barrier and debated her options. If she went back, she would lose her magic and she didn't know if she'd be able to swim the rough water's the dark. But then again she's always been a great swimmer. She looked back at Auradon. She could find a great hiding place and think of a plan there, but she was pretty sure that they were searching the area for her as she spoke. She sighed, my people are back there, but how can I help them from back there? But what can I do from out here if there already is a hunt for me? She thought.


Harry's Side

Having seen the disaster of a fight on the television, he got up and paced.

"What should we do, Harry?" Gil asked as he began to worry for Uma. He knew she was a great swimmer but without her powers the waters will be very dangerous to get across at night.

Harry pulled his hair and looked around at all his crewmates staring at him, since Uma wasn't around he was the captain, the one in charge, and he was panicking. He took a deep breath and calmed tried to calm himself, being captain he was supposed to be the voice of reason and if the voice of reason is panicking there will be nothing but chaos ahead.

"Do you think she'll come back?" Jonas asked which caused Harry to glare at him.

"Of course she would come back, she wouldn't leave us here!" Harry defended. Jonas held up his hands in surrender and backed off, waiting for Harry to decide what they should do.

Their ship would never sail again, so they couldn't us that, but they did have many smaller boats which they could use. But in the rough waters, it might be too dangerous to use them, he thought, But there's a chance Uma might drown if we didn't. Harry's panic rose and he began to twist the ring Uma gave him on his finger. No, Uma will survive this, she's a fighter, he tried to convince himself, and so are we.

"Harry?" Desiree asked when he was quiet for a long time.

Harry turned to her and said, "Give me a moment." He debated in his mind for a few minutes longer and when he was satisfied with his answer he said, "What we do next could be very dangerous," He smiled evilly and asked, "Are you guys up for it?" His smile widened when he heard shouts of yes's and thuds on the ground from their boots'. "Now all of you can swim right?" Scoffs were heard all around him and he said, "Well here's what we're going to do."


Uma's Side

Uma knew she had to make a decision before the decision was made for her. She was getting tired of treading water and if she got anymore tired she would be forced to hide in Auradon because she knew she wouldn't be able to swim the rough waters tired. Looking at the Isle, she knew the decision was already made for her. All great captains go down with their ship.

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