Kindergarten (Jacksepticeye)

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This is literally based off the game Kindergarten the Jack played.


Me and Lily were sitting on the sidewalk talking to each other, waiting for Kindergarten to start. "I just miss him" she told me. "Yeah" I zoned out as I saw the new boy talking to Cindy. He looked very cute. He had green hair and his eyes. Oh my god his eyes. The were baby blue and just...amazing. I feel a tap on my shoulder. "Hey...! Are you kiting to me?" Lily asked. "Yeah, I just zoned out for a second." You told her. "Ok" I looked back over at the new kid. I think his name was Sean...or....Jack? "Oohh, you checking out the boy talking to Cindy?" She asked. "Yeah..." I didn't taje my eyes off him for one second. "You know Cindy is gonna ask him to be her girlfriend" lily says. I sigh. "Yeah, I know" Lily smiles lightly and hugs me. "It'll be ok." You hug her back. "Ok." A little while later the boy walks over to us. "Your Lily right?" He asks her. "Yeah, I am" she responds. He pulls out some chewed gum. Gross. "Did Cindy want you to put that in my hair?" She asked him. He nods. "Oh, she's always so mean to me. Ever since Billy.. " she stops talking before she says to much. She never did wanna talk about Billy ever since he disappeared. "Well I'm Jack it was nice meeting you two" he says as the bell rings signaling that it's tome to go to class. You and Lily get up and walk into the class room.

During morning time

You were sitting with Nugget on the floor. Lily didn't do morning buddies anymore since...billy. The teacher, Miss. Jigglytits, wait no! Miss. AppleGate was sitting at her desk waiting for everyone to pick there morning buddies. You look up and see Jack walking over to you and Nugget. "Hey, Y/n right?" He asked. You nod your head. "Wanna be morning buddies" you smiled. "Sure" you look over at Nugget he's writing a letter. "Wait!" He says as you get up. He stands up and hands the letter to Jack. "I need you to give this to the pretty Lily" he says. Jack nods and walk to Lily. He hands her the letter. She takes it says something and goes up to the teacher. She asks her something. "Gather around students Nugget wrote Lily a love lettet!" Oh-no. I look over at Nugget he's covering his face with his sweater. The teacher starts reading it and its....really weird. I look over at Lily and she's blushing but she also looks like she's gonna puke. "Nugget do we need to scedual another appointment with the student counselor?" The teacher asks him. Lily suddenly runs out of the room. "Lily wait!" You try to run after her but Jack stops you. "I think she wants to be alone" he says. You sigh. She'll be ok.

Lunch time

You were earing the lunch that your mom packed you case you refused to eat the schools lunch. You were sitting eating a sandwich when Jack walked over to you and sat down. "Hey" he says. "Hi" you respond. You look at his lunch. He eating the schools lunch. You grab the other half of your sandwich and hand it to him. "Eat this if you wanna live" you tell him. He chuckles. "Thanks" he says taking a bite of it. "No problem" most of the time you both stayed quiet with little conversation. But the little conversation soon turned into a full on conversation. But soon the bell rung and you both walked to the play ground.

At the playground

You and Jack were talking by the slide until Cindy stomped over. "What are you doing talking to her!?" She asked. She was basically yelling. "Your my boyfriend and I don't want you talking to her!" She adds. "Go away Cindy and I'm not your boyfriend" Jack calmly says. She wines and stomps away. "She's really annoying" you lean your head on his shoulder.

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