Dan opened his eyes a little and melted when he saw Phil. He smiled blissfully and tried to squeeze his hand again weakly. He tried to say Phil again but his throat hurt so bad. He just settled with holding onto Phil's hand tightly.

Phil smiled at Dan softly after finally seeing him awake, "I know your throat is sore you don't need to speak, I'm just glad you're as okay as you can be post-surgery." Phil said with a happy tone

Dan smiled at him and tried to tug him closer. Phil looked genuinely happy that Dan was okay and that in turn, made Dan happy too. In a way, it kind of validated him. That someone did care whether he lived or died.

Phil let out a grin as he watched Dan smile, his eyes going soft. He looked healthy and happy, more or less like the old Dan but with more scars "you know, a little birdie told me , that you may be discharged soon." Phil said, his smile bright, truly excited that Dan will finally be back home and able to talk to Alex properly

"R-Really?" Dan managed to croak out, his throat all scratchy. He pouted a little. He really wanted water. He had physically not had water for so long and he said wasnt sure if he was allowed again.

"Yeah if no complications arise it should be in a few days." Phil said with happiness showing through his words, he noticed the raw sound of Dans throat "also let me check if you can have some water you throat sounds sore." Phil said

"P-Pwease." Dan said in a rough scratchy voice. He looked around the room and Alex wasn't there. He was so glad, really. He couldn't stand seeing the way Alex looked at him. Like Dan was some kind of mistake.

"Okay, do you want it right now or do you want me to stay with you for it?" Phil asked softly and considerably

"Stay." Dan said quickly and tried to tug and Phil's hand gently to pull him down a little. He really wanted some sort of physical affection. He felt so starved of it.

Phil almost chuckled at his best friends stressed reaction whether or not leave or stay "okay darlin I'll stay." Phil said softly, holding Dans hand gently

Dan sighed and shut his eyes. He wished he could cuddle Phil. Or at least hug him. It seemed like years had passed since he had gotten a hug in general.

"How are you feeling overall?" Phil asked, wanting nothing more than to scoop his best friend into his arm and just protect him from the world, but in the back of his mind, he was thinking about Alex

"Shit," Dan pouted and looked up at Phil. His stomach area hurt and was a little tender, but nothing to much.

"Awh my poor baby, need me to kiss it better?" Phil said with a little chuckle, his tongue out and his eyes crinkled

Dan blushed and looked down shyly. He wanted to say yes. But Phil was clearly just messing with him. He just bit his lip and kept his eyes down.

The colour that rose on Dans cheeks made Phil feel himself blush a little, feeling embarrassed that he just said that. "You're going to be all healed up and you'll be out of there soon, don't you worry." Phil said softly

Dan nodded and shut his eyes, feeling tired. He didn't even know when he fell asleep. He woke up and Phil wasn't there but a nurse was who helped him have some water.

Phil had left Dan to sleep, he'd come back tomorrow, but his head was calling him to see Alex again. Phil knocked shyly on Alex's door waiting for him to answer

Alex opened the door, dressed just in his boxers. He smiled widely and hugged Phil immediately, "Hey you, thought you were coming over after 8"

"Nope Dan fell asleep so I gathered he would be fine until tomorrow." Phil said with a shrug, holding Alex closely in the hug, missing the contact

"Come in, then. Sorry, I'm a bit of a mess, I wasn't expecting you so soon." Alex blushed and looked down at his shirtless body.

Phil laughed as he headed inside, shutting the door behind him. "As if I'm going to complain that my really hot friend has a bomb ass body on display." Phil said as he went to put his hands around Alex's waist

Alex blushed a little and pulled Phil  closer. He pressed his lips against Phil's to kiss him. God, he'd missed him. He'd missed kissing him.

Phils eyes fluttered shut as he kissed Alex, loving the feeling of another mans lips on his own, making him feel special and wanted. Phil made the kiss softly deeper to get more of his craving of contact

Alex grinned agaisnt his lips a little as he kissed him and gently ran his hands up and down Phil's side affectionately.

Phil pulled away from the kiss, instead placing his head in the crook of Alex's neck and sighing "I'll never get used to this." Phil said softly, giving Alex's neck a little kiss as he held him closely

"Me neither, baby." Alex smiled as he held Phil snug against him. In the past few weeks when Dan had been in his medically induced coma and recovery, Alex had successfully managed to get extremely close to Phil.

Phil head swirled with soft memories of being able to kiss Alex whenever he pleases and it made him smile, however there was something holding Phil going any further than blowjobs with Alex and he wanted it to stop. "How about I give you something that we've waited long enough for." Phil said as he lifted his head up and brushed his nose softly on Alexs, spinning their bodies around so Phil could easily pin Alex to the wall

"Finally gonna get a corgi with me?" Alex joked as he looked at Phil with a smirk. He had found that Phil always responded well when Alex made jokes like that. It made Phil blush on the prettiest way possible.

Phils confidence grew as he laughed loudly, taking away his attempted dominant exterior as he laughed into Alex's chest "oh Alex this is why I love you." Phil said, his laughter dying down as he looked back up to meet Alex's soft eyes, watching them sparkle with joy as he looked at the beautiful man before him

Alex laughed too and he pulled Phil up to kiss him gently. "You know, I'll wait however long you want to do this, right? This is your first time, I want it to be perfect." Alex pulled away a little to gently run his thumb over Phil's cheek.

"I think forever might be right now, I love you Alex and I feel like that I can happily let myself say - 'take me'" phil said with a slight joking tone and a blush grew on his soft cheeks "I'm all yours." However an underlying uncomfortable feelings settled in Phils stomach

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