I am a Dangerous Faggot

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I am not an ALT-Right, Nazi, or a White supremacist, but a new age conservative. I believe in small government, Right to bear arms, the basic freedoms, and Free speech especially. Silicon Valley isn't a fucking safe-space! I believe with all my heart that we should be able to do and say what ever we want on TWITTER ( @Nero ), Facebook, YouTube, Xbox, and/or many more other Internet /Social Media /Games /Gaming sites. We should treat the internet as if it was a street in America for us to be able to say what ever we want and not be put in jail. Now the idea of no consequences, "I wish" -me, but if you say things like Hillary should be thrown into a volcano or say the people in Texas deserved the Hurricane Harvey for voting Trump (Even though Houston, Texas voted widely for Hillary Clinton), then you losing your job is okay, in my eyes, but when you get thrown in jail or killed or injured by Black Lives Matter (BLM) and ANTIFAggot (UC Berkeley)  because you said something now that is Anti-American!

 Now the idea of no consequences, "I wish" -me, but if you say things like Hillary should be thrown into a volcano or say the people in Texas deserved the Hurricane Harvey for voting Trump (Even though Houston, Texas voted widely for Hillary Clint...

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Lets now talk about Trump. He promised during his campaign was to: Build the Wall, Deport Mexicans, Make a Travel Ban similar to Obama's, Make a better Healthcare plan /Repeal & Replace The Affordable Heath Care Act, Fight against Evil (ISIS), and stay out of foreign affairs, destroy globalism in America, make a smaller government, Tax reform,  and to Make America Great Again with bringing back jobs and supporting the police and military! I support all of these things because they are the Ideas that will help save America for what it is. 

I am a new age conservative (The Trolling Type) who believes in raising Hell among people who are liberal or democratic. Now I don't label myself as ALT-Right 'cause they believe and spread things that are terrible, but I respect them for many different reasons. They are people who like to raise Hell by saying racist and sexist things toward their grandparents to see what response they get (The grandparents / parents getting offended.). They believe in Free Speech and HATE YouTube for its online dictatorship and it being a safe-space for triggered trannies. Now I may say stereotypes about White, black, Mexican, Muslim, Women, Gays, Liberals, Social Justice Warriors, and more, but that doesn't mean I'm a Racist Sexist ALT-Right Fuck. It means that I just see facts about a race or gender that are widely spread across that race or gender and I repeat them to the public. Then BLM or ANTIFAggot Slams the Title of Racist Klansman ALT-Right Nazi when I'm stating facts! 

" I have a dream, I have a dream where White boys and Black boys and White girls and Black girls can play Halo Reach and not get thrown into a situation to were the Black boys and girls are calling the White boys and girls : RACISTS. I have a dream to where Gamers can say and do whatever they want and be left alone and not be called : sexist pigs. I have a dream when PEPE is no longer falsely accused to be a hate symbol. I have a dream that the ORANGE race (Daddy TRUMP) will no longer be called Racist Sexist Homophobic Blond-Fake Hair Cunts. I have a dream that feminists, black lives matter, social justice warriors, ANTIFAggots, and Libtards will get lives and actually help America. I have a dream where the Fake News Networks will stop being faggots and tell the goddamn truth already! I have a dream that Rachel Maddow will stop being retarded, no matter how impossible that may sound. I have a dream that Radical Islamic Terrorists will stop trying to hug every American they see (while they have a bomb vest on). I have a dream that one day I will walk into an Airport and not fear for my life! I have a dream that I will not get gang raped by Mexicans. I have a dream that Martin Luther King Jr. if he were to time travel to 2016-17 that people wouldn't call him an Uncle Tom (FNN [CNN] would most likely do that). I have a dream, oh how powerful, I do have quite the dream." 

#AmericaFirst #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #DaddyTrump #BringBack@Nero #MiloYiannopoulos

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#AmericaFirst #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #DaddyTrump #BringBack@Nero #MiloYiannopoulos


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