I give nothing away as I pick up a marker and slash the boys picture with a red line. I stare at the picture a second. Then before I even know what I'm doing, my fist buries itself into the wall, making a crater where the boys picture was just moments ago.

Where the fuck is she?

91 days 7 hours 13 minutes and 32 seconds.

That is how long I have been without her laughter, her smell, her taste, her touch. The ache in my chest is excruciating and worsens with each passing second. I can't eat, I can't sleep... the only thing I can think about is finding her. I feel her absence so deeply and so profoundly that I swear if I don't find her soon, I'm going to lose my fucking mind.

I should've known it was a trap.

I should've fucking known.

Those fuckers outsmarted me, they knew I would leave her side if the right circumstance arose— like fucking blowing up a Knight of Hell on top of Acerbus Enterprises.

I close my eyes and lean against the wall next to the crater I created.

I need to stop doing this, but I can't. I replay that day over and over again...

I slam the door to the Ferrari shut and multiple people turn back, gasping at my presence. They part like the sea as I make my way towards the police line. Multiple firetrucks are parked in front of what remains of my company, using water hoses to snuff out the flames.

Something pricks at the back of my neck and I scan the sea of people until I find the source. It's one of the cameramen, he's watching me and when I catch him, he turns away quickly. Just in that one look I know though, without a fucking doubt, he's a Hunter.

The sea of people split for me once more as I march towards him but before I reach him, one of the news reporters stops me. I look over the yellow-eyed woman in front of me. Her brown hair is tied up into a tight bun, suggesting that she's a tight-ass but the low-cut of her shirt is way too revealing for modesty...

"Mr. Styles, can we have a few words?"

I meet her yellow eyes and glance back to find my building still going up in flames. I nod unwillingly. She grins and motions towards the cameraman I caught watching me a moment ago. Perhaps this will work in my favor... I need to seclude them, that way I can knock out the reporter and beat the shit out of him. Hmmm, let's see... I scan the area and see that their news van is parked down the street from the crowd, halfway into the alley.


I gesture towards it. "Why don't we step over there, away from the commotion."

Her yellow eyes flash and a warm smile plasters on her lips. "Of course." She gestures for me to lead the way.

We walk over to the van and I circle behind it until I'm standing behind it in the alley. I chuckle and turn towards them,"Sorry but I'm afr—"

As soon as I turn around, the news woman stabs me in the fucking chest with what looks like a stake. I hiss through my teeth but then laugh at her poor attempt to detain me.

"Oh baby, stakes don't work on me."

I lift my hand to pull it out but my body doesn't respond.

What the fuck?

"Oh baby, that's not an ordinary stake." She unpins her hair and shakes it out around her like a mane. Her cat like eyes narrow and a smile plays at her lips. "Would you like to know what makes it special Mr. Styles?"

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