1. Love O2O (2016)*

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Love O2O

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Love O2O

Country: China

Type: Drama

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance

Episodes: 30

Aired: Aug 22, 2016 to Sept 6, 2016

Network: JSTV

Duration: 40 min


          Xiao Nai (Yang Yang) is a gaming expert who, courtesy of his basketball skills, academic excellence, swimming talent and game company presidency, also happens to be the most popular student on campus. When he first comes across the gorgeous computer science major Bei Wei Wei (Zheng Shuang), the infinitely talented wunderkind immediately falls in love. But it's not Bei's looks that he notices; it's the ridiculous mastery with which she is commanding her guild and owning everyone in an online multiplayer game that makes her impossible to forget. Now, Xiao Nai must use his skills both in real life and online to capture the adorable but dorky Bei's heart. But does their love have the XP to succeed, or will this relationship never level up?


Zheng Shuang

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Zheng Shuang

Bei Wei Wei

Bei Wei Wei

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Yang Yang

Xiao Nai


by WhiteLilly of mydramalist

          "Truth be told, I am not the biggest fan of pure romance, but here it got me. I will probably rewatch this many times.

          Do you know the meme—face, which pukes a rainbow? Well, imagine it with puking a stream of pink hearts—that would be me watching this drama. It's embarrassing, but I will admit to it.

          I give this drama a 10, because it deserves this in terms of romance. You can scratch the whole side-plots (of which aren't too many around) and still have an awesome couple.

What this drama doesn't have and I didn't miss either:
1) Misunderstandings between the couple
2) Second-lead-syndrome
3) Evil mother-in-law or alike
4) over-the-top dramatic circumstances like amnesia, murder, sickness etc.

What this drama has:
1) A handsome, cool, intelligent, competent, polite male lead, who does - let's face it - all the right things which no man in reality can live up to
2) A female lead, that manages to be clever, polite, witty, modest but self-assured and lacks the typical submissive side, which I so often dislike in Asian dramas
3) Some cool and funny supporting characters, that have genuine connections between each other
4) Minor tensions that are resolved easily and in a superior way by the main couple
5) All the bullies get their mouths stuffed right away, which is just SO satisfying
6) Some ear-reddening kiss-scenes...

          This truly is a drama to romantically relax. It doesn't have the nerve-wrecking plot-twists that we all know and just want to get over with. Instead, we see a believable and perfect love-story and since it doesn't aspire to be more than this, it hits the mark.

          The only thing I missed from about episode 20 onwards were the scenes from the game, but since they moved the relationship to real life, it happens fluently.

I have to admit, I fast-forwarded some of the side-story, just because I couldn't wait for main stuff happening, but I see this as a plus."

My note: This was the most recent drama that I have finished and I totally enjoyed it. Love O2O isn't the first Chinese drama that I have watched, but so far, this is the best one for me. The story is really light and refreshing. Moreover, the main leads are really attractive, especially Yang Yang. I fell in love with him while watching the drama. I'll give this a perfect score if you want to ask me how refreshing this drama is. I think hopeless romantic gamers would also love this show!

My Rating: 10.0

Mydramalist Rating: 8.8

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