Chapter 3: You're Everybody's Sidekick

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  (Your Pov)

I was standing with Enid at the register as customers surrounded us with stuff they wanted to buy. She looked like she was gonna bite someone's head off, so I put up a sign that said (This Lane is CLOSED SORRY <3). All the customers groaned walking away."I wanted to return this dress." I heard one of them say when they all left I saw K.O. standing like a soldier with his hand on his head.

"Helper  K.O., reporting for duty!"He said with a funny face."Hi, K.O.!" I greeted. He smiled at me. Enid laughed.

"At ease, soldier." She said as K.O. put his hand down to his side."Helper K.O.! Your first mission here at Gar's is to...clean the store."She said pointing to the cleaning supplies.

"Now go! And save the bodega from the forces of dirt or something." She said as K.O. zoomed to the supplies. K.O. dressed in it in a funny way. He had scrubbers on his feet, a mask on his face, and a swifter in hand."Ha-Ha! Dirt, today you breathe your last filthy breath!"He said roughly I laughed as Enid just rolled her eyes.

"I swear on the honor of the bodega, I will vanquish you!"He said. He went all around the store cleaning doing flips as he was cleaning. I stared at him in awe."He's so good at this maybe I could learn a few things from him."I thought to turn around to look at Enid only to see her giving me a weird look.

"What?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing." She smirked.

I had a feeling that she wasn't telling the truth, but I just dropped it for now. Then an elderly woman came up to us holding a purse."Dearies, can I pay for this in thousands of pennies?"She asked us. Enid disappeared replacing herself with a tree stump."Really."I sighed."Can I pay for this dearie?"She asked me."Uh..yea sure."

"Aww, aren't you sweet." She said pinching my cheeks. She let go and I helped her pay for the purse. Enid came back when the lady left. I pouted at her while rubbing my cheeks to ease the pain, and all she gave me was a cheeky smile. She leaned back on her chair and kicked her feet up on the counter.

"Enid, Y/n! All done!" K.O. said running up to us."Anything else I can help you with?"He asked."Hmm. Ah! Sort through this penny dish and take out everything that isn't a penny."Enid instructed. K.O. gasped and started removing the items that weren't pennies."Boy, you sure love helping people, don't ya, buddy?" Enid asked him."Well, sure! It's my job. And isn't that how everyone feels?"K.O. asked.

(K.O.'s Pov)

"Isn't that how everyone feels?"I asked her."I sure do. Every time I help someone I get a warm fuzzy feeling inside."Y/n said cheerfully. I smiled at her statement."Help people...? Nope, not for me. Too much work, too little payoff. I'm good with just helping myself." She said looking back on her phone.

"Aww, Enid."Y/n said. 

I put down the pennies and looked up at her taking in a huge breath."Enid, I am going to help you!!"I said scaring her and Y/n."Excuse me?"She asked."As an official helper of Gars Bodega, I am going to help you to see how great it is to help people!"I said pointing at her.

"Youll never melt my icy heart." She said darkly."We'll just see about that! Y/n!" I said startling her."Yes."She said softly."You will join me in my quest of helping Enid. If you don't mind." I asked her. She walked over to me with a determined look on her face."Let's show Enid how great it is to help people!" She exclaimed."Alright then let's go!" I said taking her hand in mine.

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