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 Mr. Gar's  Pov

I was walking along the street back to my home from a long day at work when I heard a wailing cry as if it were coming from a baby. I followed the sound only to come across an alleyway, and see a tiny basket far into it. When I looked inside I DID see a baby probably the cutest one I've ever laid my eyes on she had beautiful h/c hair, and light, s/t, skin. She seemed so small, and fragile that any little thing could harm her.

''Who could ever leave someone as adorable as you out here?" I cooed as I could feel a tiny blush creep up to my face."Something as horrible as this is unforgivable!" I shouted before I heard a small giggle until it turned into more giggles, and then I realized it was her. 

"What what's so funny?" I asked, but she just continued to giggle at me.

Then without realizing it, I started to laugh it was a happy moment filled with giggles and laughter. She then ceased her laughter and looked up at me with a pleading look in her eyes. Almost as if she were asking me to take her home with me. As I continued to look at her she reached her hands out to me as I felt something wet roll down my cheeks.

"Am I crying?"I asked myself, I sniffed and wiped my face removing the streaks of tears. I sighed and looked at her. I couldn't just leave her out like this that would be heartless, and cruel just like the person who left her out like this.

"Well, we cant be sure that whoever left her out here meant to it could've been an accident or maybe someone could've hidden her here to protect her from something."I thought to try to think of a different reason the baby might be here. I shook my head."Right now it doesn't really matter how she ended up here. Right now all that matters is that I take her to safety."I said nodding my head at the thought and picked up the small child cradling her in my arms making my way to my house.

3rd Pov

As soon as Mr. Gar opened the door soft snores could be heard as he looked down, and smiled to see the young girl fast asleep. Y/n seemed so peaceful like she hadn't slept in years. I mean who could blame her being out there for who knows how long.(Little did Mr.Gar know that he was holding the daughter of one of the strongest women, and hero on Earth.)

" Hmm, I don't exactly have anywhere for you to sleep."He stated silently to refrain from waking up the small, delicate child. That's when an idea struck his mind."Well since your now my responsibility...I guess that makes you my daughter."He said before Y/n moved more into Mr.Gar signaling that she liked being called that. Mr.Gar smiled,"I guess you can sleep in with me in my room. Just until I get you a proper bed."He said walking in his room surrounding her with blankets to make a small bed. He then went into a different room to change into his nightwear.

When he was finished he went back to his bedroom where Y/n was sleeping. He carefully climbed in the bed, so he wouldn't make much noise. Once he was tucked in he looked at the sleeping girl."I think I'll call you Y/n."He said nodding at his choice of the name. He then inspected the girl closer, while squinting his eyes."You kinda remind me of a friend I once knew Y/n."He said before removing his glasses placing them on the nightstand by the side of his bed."Wait! I don't know how to take care of a baby!" 


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