Why do i have to go

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I have been in Magnus apartment for two days and all I have done is eat, sleep and watching TV. I'm so bored. I don't have anything to do and I'm worried about Tessa. All I can think about is if she's okay or not, does she need my help and is she now regretting being me here. All theses questions and no way of getting them answered. Right now I'm in 'my' room watching some show that I don't even know what's it's about. How can this be my life now.

All of a sudden the door opened to reveal Magnus. For some odd reason he has a smile on his face. How can he smile when he knows that I'm sad and worst of all bored. You don't want me bored, the last time I was bored I got into some pretty big trouble and it toke a lot of work to get out of it. That's was a bad time, a lot of people were mad at me. But I have to say that it was funny, but bad nonetheless. Anyway I'm looking at Magnus and he has a big smile on his face.

"What you doing and why do you have a smile on your face. It is not a smiley kind of day" i groaned.

"Well I'm smiling because you are not going stay in your room today so you're going to get out of bed and come with me" Magnus leave no room for agreement as he just walked out when he finished talking. I guess I have to get out of bed now so I get up and I make the bed than I go out the room to find Magnus.

"Why did you want me out of that comfortable bed?" I ask. If it's for nothing I'm going back to my room.

"Well just listen it could be fun and you love fun" Magnus said trying to convince me of things he's about to say.

That's when Alec started to talk:
"You see there is this powerful demon on the loses and I can't go after it either can clary and jace. Isabella is the only one but we don't want her to go bye herself so Magnus was thinking that you should go with her" Alec told me.

"Magnus also said that you were one of the best shadowhunters that he has ever meet" this time jace talked.

"So let me get this straight you got me out of bed because you want me to go find this demon with Isabella cause you guys are too busy?"I asked. That can not be the only reason. I mean why want they ask me the person they don't know. I look to Magnus thinking that he said that I should come with her to fight a demon.

"Pretty much" clary said. I don't think I have heard her speak until now.

"So will you do it" jace asked me. He looks so familiar but I don't know why.

"Find when do we leave" I groaned.

"10 minutes" was all Isabella said.

"Find I'll go and put on some clothes that are suitable for fighting" than I turned around back to my room to change. But just before I was out of reach I heard Magnus talk.
"I'm guessing theses suitable clothes are going to be black" and it is true they going to be black but that's because they the best to fight in and I love to wear it.
Once I'm done I go back to Magnus and the others to see that only Isabella is there.

"Looks like it's just me and you Isabella" I say.

"You can call me izzy instead I don't really like that name" Isabella said. I quit like that name but I'm not the one that has to listen to it all day.

"Sure izzy so when are we going?" I questioned. I just want to get this out of the way as soon as possible. But it's not like u don't mind looks at izzy at day and she dose have a good behind.
Wait! Did it just say that and most importantly why do I say that. It not like I'm into that. Am I? No I'm not! Just because I think that's she's beautiful doesn't mean that I'm into that. Right?

And follow me


Shadowhunters/ Isabella lightwood girlxgirl fanfic Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt