Why why why

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I was at the place that Tessa through was a safe place was Magnus banes apartment. Well she was right, if you want to be safe or someone that you love to be safe just go to Magnus bane and he will keep you safe.
I can see that Magnus is having trouble getting use to the idea that I'm here well and alive instead of being well dead.

"So are you going to say something or just stand there" I teased.

"Magnus?" Some guy from behind him said. Magnus look at him and than back at me. I raised my eyebrow asking silently who is he. I just realised that their were other people their too. Two girls and three guys.

"Rosa when did you.." Magnus tried to say.

"Wake up?" I guessed that he was going to say that. He nodded his head.

"So tell me what happened since you woke up and what are you doing and why were you yelling" Magnus asked all those question but I don't have time. I was going to say that and ask if he could make a portal for me but i don't think he would. I guess if I want to help Tessa I will have to spend the time telling him why I'n here and everything else. This is going to take a while.


Oh boy was I right. I'm not sure how long it took me to tell Magnus all of what happened. I was trying to tell it in the short vision but Magnus kept asking questions. He wanted every detail about everything.

"Okay okay you know all of the details now so are you going to me make a portal so I can help Tessa?" I asked "it is Tessa safety that I could help with you know" I added. Magnus always wanted Tessa to be safe so it i say that I could help her than I would have a better chance of getting Magnus to make a portal for me.

"I know what you doing and it won't work. If Tessa thinks that she can handle it and doesn't want you be there than you won't be" Magnus stated.

"Magnus seriously i could help her so she would have a better chance of living after they finished fighting" I argued "and he wanted my blood to so he will be coming after me too"

"And that's why Tessa send you to me so she knew that you would be safe" Magnus said. And that does make sense since Tessa knew that if we needed to be safe we can go to Magnus. But I do know someone else that would want Tessa to make sure that Tessa was safe; jem

"Find but I want to know someone else's opinion on the matter" I demanded looking at Magnus right in the eye.

"Who?" Magnus had a confused face. He couldn't think of Anyone.

"Jem" was all I said.

Magnus eyes lighted up with understanding.

"Find but he will say the same thing as I did but okay. Well go tomorrow but right now you say here until than okay?"

"Okay" at least I'm getting somewhere.
After a while of quietness I look around and see other people that I have never seen. By the looks of it they shadowhunters and I can tell by their runes on their body's. But who are they?

"And who are these people?" I say looking at the people behind Magnus. Magnus turned to them and looked back at me.

"Oh these are some shadowhunters that I made friends with" Magnus shared.

"Shadowhunters Wow Magnus you have changed. I remember when we first meet you didn't like me because of being a shadowhunter and we were lucky that you decided to help us" I say surprised "and now here you are with shadowhunters. We must of been that good of friends that you made new ones" I teased. I couldn't help it Magnus didn't like us when we first met and now we're friends and i think he said that he would never be friends with other shadowhunters but here we are and he is friends with other shadowhunters.

"Very funny" was all he said about the matter.

"So are you going to tell me their names?" I asked

"Yeas i am. This is clary" he point to a girl with red hair "and this is jace" than he pointed to a guy with dirty blond hair that seemed familiar to me " Isabella" than pointed to the most beautiful girl I have ever seen with long dark drown hair " and this is my boyfriend Alec " Magnus finished talking while having a smile on his face and I'm guessing that has something to do with his boyfriend. Cute, finally he has find someone to love.

"Well nice to meet you all and by the way" than I turned to look at Alex "if you in any way hurt Magnus I will stab you in the heart and no one will find our body understand?" I questioned him while raising my right eyebrows. Alex nodded slowly and with a shocked face.

"Well I'm going to go to bed and in the morning will go to jem" than I went to go find a room to sleep in for the night without looking at any of their faces when I said that.

I was walking down a hall was I heard Magnus say:

"She is very protective of her friends" in a sorry voice.

I found a room that was an empty bedroom and went to sleep with a smile on my face. Cause what Magnus said was true. I'm very protective of my friends.

And follow me


Shadowhunters/ Isabella lightwood girlxgirl fanfic Where stories live. Discover now