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Rosa POV

When I first woke up I didn't know where I was. I still don't know because I got out their as fast as I could and I went to the institute. When I first got their I was confused in how things how change because it didn't feel like that it had been more than hundred years. It felt like it was yesterday that I went to sleep, I thought I was sleep walking so that's why I was there. In a different area. I didn't remember right away that when i went to sleep it was like I was being forced to. I didn't understand what happened until I saw Jem as the silent bother. He told me what happened to me and told me that the times have changed a lot. He brought me to Tessa so she could help me get use to the new world that I was in and I did. It's only been two years since that day and I know that I have missed the older days where I had my friends. I still have Tessa so that's good but that does mean I have will,charlotte and Jem. And I know what you think 'you have jem you have talked to him' and your be right be I miss the old him where I could see his face and he talked like he used to do but now when he talks theirs something in his voice that is different back more than a hundred years ago. But I'm okay with how things worked out because with Tessa I not alone like she was when I was asleep so I'm happy.


I walk into Tessa's room but she isn't there so I go to my that is connected to her room because it makes it easier to get to each other better if one of us is in danger. When I go in my room I see Tessa putting my clothes into a suitcase. I have no idea what she's doing in my room or why she's putting my clothes into a suitcase.

"What are you doing, Tessa?" I demanded.

"Your not safe here with grey black tuning around he's coming back so I'm making a portal somewhere safe for you to go"Tessa told me while still packing my clothes.

"I'm one of the best shadowhunters that you have even seen, you have said that to me. That if you had to be in a fight that I would be the best person for the!" I half yelled the last part.

"Yes I did say that but this man is a lot older and it toke both of us just to wound him" Tessa tried to convince me.

"Yes! It toke both of us so how do you think you would go without me" I was confused on why she was doing this. What's the point.

"I don't want you to get hurt" before I could replied Tessa finished zipping the suitcase when it was full with my clothes than she when out the door to a spare space so what I'm guessing is that she can make a portal. I followed after her.

"Please just do this for me so I know that your safe" she said with a sad tone to her voice.

"But how do I know that you safe" I replied with the same sad tone.

"You don't you just have to trust me" Tessa tried to convince me again.

"No! I won't leave you to fight him alone!" I said to her.
But Tessa didn't say anything she going to make the portal expecting me to go through.

"Please just go through" Tessa said again. She looks at the portal and than looks back at me. She was going to say something but than we heard a slam of glass. We looked at each other and we knew what that was.

"Grey black" Tessa and I said at the same time.
Tessa didn't ask me to get into the portal this time, she pushed me through it.
The next thing I know is that I can see the portal but I'm in a different places and Tessa is on longer next to me.

"TESSA, COME ON TESSA!" I yelled. I can't believe she going to fight him by herself is she crazy? I put I hands on my head to try and calm myself but it didn't work so I take my hands away from my head with a groan.
All of a sudden their was this 'umm sound from behind me so I quickly turned around and to my surprise Magnus bane was the one making the sound. My friend from so long ago we meet again.

And follow me


Shadowhunters/ Isabella lightwood girlxgirl fanfic Where stories live. Discover now