AAAAAAAAAAAAA (I made a centaur OC)

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Name: Theresa

Name meaning: Theresa is a feminine name. Some say it comes from θερίζω meaning "to harvest", others say it comes from θηρεσία meaning "Huntress".

Age: ~4

Birthday: October 28

Species: Centauride (Clydesdale Horse)

Weapon: Bow and arrow, Glaive

Appearance: Theresa is a female centaur, derived from the Clydesdale Horse, so the human part of her appears as a young woman in her early 20s with long black hair kept in a high ponytail with a long loose lock of hair, black eyes, horse-like ears, and fair skin, while from the waist down she is a black piebald Clydesdale Horse, she has all the classic signs of a Clydesdale, along with being slightly larger and more muscular than the males, in fact she's more muscular and larger than the average centaur, she's even taller than Chiron. She typically wears in a similar manner to Chiron, due to stealing most of his clothing.

Personality: Unlike other female centaurs (Centauride) who tend to be aggressive, proud, haughty and shrewish, Theresa is very kind, gentle, intelligent, and motherly, although her motherly traits can make her over-protective, shown when she attacked Grover, thinking that he was a threat to Fen-Lan. Due to being a draft horse, she enjoys working and is described as a hard worker, she can't stay still long enough, or else she will bang her head against a wall, so to counter this Fen-Lan has her wear a saddle bag filled with frozen water bottles and loose change, just so she can feel like she's working. She is very loyal to the Ruishi family, and more importantly, loyal to Fen-Lan, whenever he gets left alone by accident, she checks on him and make sure he doesn't get harmed. Theresa acts as a younger sister to Chiron, bothering the hell out of him and they often bump into each other.

Likes- Working, plums, oatmeal, watching after Fen-Lan, puzzles, pickles, toasted rice, walking
Dislikes- Hair getting tangled, cockroaches, people with intentions to harm, mint

Abilities: Theresa is a skilled fighter, having amazing aim, which is almost as accurate as Chiron's aim, she also has a glaive which is good to keep opponents at bay. Due to being a Clydesdale, she's stronger than other centaurs, being able to handle at least over 1,000 pounds without breaking a sweat, she also has amazing stamina, lifting the same amount of weight for over 4 hours. She has amazing scavenging skills, as she lives in the forest, she mostly scavenges for roots and edible berries.

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