EXO Kai Pt.2

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Cute Fluffy
Part 2


"How about we invite Y/N to come with us since we are getting bubble tea" Sehun said "I don't know Sehun what if Y/N is very busy" Suho said looking at me while look at me too "Well I am not busy but I don't want to intrude on yall if yall are hanging out with each other" I said while looking down "Come on Y/N can you please come with us to get some bubble tea and hangout with us pleaseeeeee" Kai said with puppy eyes how can I resist that he is just so flipping cute my gawdddd "Oh okay" I said and they all cheered. So I'm hanging out with one of my favorite groups and bias today what could possibly happen???

*Time Skipped Inside The Van*

We were all chilling inside the van till we get there to the cafe. I was sitting in between Kai and Kris. "So Y/N how long have you been a photographer?" Kai asked me. OMG my bias is talking to me I'm fangirling on the inside I think I just died😂. "I have been a photographer for like a few years now" Y/N said looking at Kai (your character is 22 years old so you started working as a photographer at the age of 18 okay okay so back to the mothafucking story) "Wow thats really cool so photographer must be your life" Kai said softly smiling at me "Yeah it is like how your music is your life my photos are my life like my photos tell a story just by looking at how the person pose, their emotions through their face. They are telling a story through body movement once you captured it you have a story that can be told over and over again for the longest time." I said looking down while smiling "That was really deep and beautiful so your photos tell a story while my music tell a story too" Kai said looking at me while he brushed his hand against mine. Omo I swear to God imma die because of Kai cuteness and how deep and real he is.

Chanyeol's POV

I was on my phone playing a game when I feel someone nudged my side a little. I paused my game and turn my head to see who nudged my shoulder "Yeah Suho, What do you want?" I said "Look over there" Suho said quietly in my ear. I turn my head slowly and what do I see Y/N and Kai getting close to each other which is such an adorable sight to see. "Neoneun geudeul-i seololeul joh-ahandago saeng-gaghani Chanyeol? (Do you think they like each other Chanyeol?)" Suho said to me quietly since everyone else is either asleep, listening to music, playing a game or watching something on their phone. "I think they do like each other but you know Kai ain't gonna ask her out you know he is a little shy cause he lowkey but maybe highkey like her" I said looking at Suho "Yeah you right but hopefully he grow some balls and ask her out on a date" Suho said lightly laughing "Yeah you is hella right but we will see either she is asking him out on a date or he gonna ask her out on a date" I said laughing "Yeah you right but we should make a bet though is you in or out" Suho said "Hell yeah I am" I said with pride "Okay so I bet that Kai is not gonna ask Y/N out and will be a chicken" Suho said laughing "Well I bet that Kai is gonna ask Y/N out and not be a chicken but we should put some money on this if that's cool with you" I said with a slight smirk "Yeah the winner will get 50 dollars bet" Suho said with his hand out "Alright bet" I said shaking his hand

*Time Skipped To The Café*

Third's Person POV

Well EXO and Y/N have arrived at the café but you know once they got inside the building, The guys made sure that Y/N and Kai were sitting by each other alone at table.
([Table 1: Kai and Y/N] [Table 2: Chanyeol, Kris, Tao, Luhan, Suho and Sehun] [Table 3: D.O, Xiumin, Baekyhun, Chen and Lay]) "So Y/N what kind of bubble tea and pastries do you want?" Kai said looking at Y/N in her eyes "Well I would like (your favorite bubble tea and your favorite pastries)" Y/N said looking back at Kai in his eyes "Okay Y/N I would get that for you I will be right back" Kai said smiling and headed up to the cash register

*A Little Time Skipped After He Got The Food And Drinks*

Kai's POV

After I got the drinks and the pastries I headed back to the table and handed Y/N her drink and pastries. "Here you go beautiful" I said to her while sitting down "Awee thank you handsome, Kai you is so sweet, cute, funny, loveable, and just all around you thank you for making my day" Y/N said smiling at me "You welcome princess you know I gotta make a beautiful person like you smile and laugh" I said smiling back at her

*Time Skipped After Those 2 Kept Talking And Them And The Rest Of EXO Members Headed Back Into The Van And Dropped Y/N Off At Her House*

*Time Skipped After Those 2 Kept Talking And Them And The Rest Of EXO Members Headed Back Into The Van And Dropped Y/N Off At Her House*

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.


"Well this is my house right here" I said "Woah its beautiful" All the EXO members said "Thank chuuuuu well thank each and everyone of yall for making my day hella lit today was a really nice day well goodbye and goodnight yall, and I will probably text yall tomorrow" I said getting out of the van waving my hand "Bye Y/N and good night to you too" They all said and wave their hand goodbye to me. As I was walking to my house I felt a hand grabbed my hand and turn me around and I see my bias himself Kai "Yeah Kai you need something" I said looking at him "Well Y/N I was wondering if you would like to go out sometimes" Kai said scratching the back of his neck "Ooooo so you mean like a date Kai" I said smiling at him "Yeah like a date Y/N" Kai said smiling back at me "Well let me see do this answer your question" I said and Kai had a confused look on his face and I kiss him on the lips. He was surprised but he kiss back pulling me closer to him by the waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. After we kiss for like a few minutes we pulled away for air "So did that answer your question" I said smiling while blushing "Yeah jagiya that do answer my question" Kai said smiling while also blushing. "I TOLD YOU SUHO THAT HE WILL ASK HER OUT AND SHE SAID YES YOU OWE ME 50 DOLLARS NOW YOU DUMBNUT" Chanyeol said loudly "AWWW YOU DUMMY YOU RUNIED THEIR MOMENT" Suho said. Me and Kai both laugh "Well goodnight Jagiya" Kai said giving me a hug "Goodnight Love" I said hugging him back we said goodbye to each other and he left with the guys and I went back into my house

"Wow what a day I had!!!" I said in my head
Well that is the end of EXO Kai Cute and Fluffy imagine I hope y'all love it I tried my best to make this chapter lit but I did my best I will probably post up another chapter today cause yeah well have a good day my lil angelssssssssssss

K-Pop/K-HipHop/K-RnB/K-Drama Interracial ImaginesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora