"Shut up!" I hissed having to release one of my arms to cover his mouth as I basically carried the brunette with one arm back up the stairs. Leave it up to him to ruin everything, why did I expect? Of course, he would run. "I really don't want to shoot you right now." My voice laced with thick annoyance twitching slightly at the urge to shoot the brunette for not listening.

Matt continued to squirm, made sounds against my hand until I reached the loft and closed the door with my foot. I released him, locking the door then crossed my arms over my chest with a sharp glare. He was about to say something but quickly shut his mouth, "I told you there are people after me and you might have just gotten us killed."

Annoyance pulled onto his cute face clenching his hands with furrowed eyebrows, "What the hell did you want me to do? I don't understand anything! I don't understand why couldn't you just leave me behind or something? I don't want to be here; my parents and sister are probably worried sick about me." He started to raise his voice in tones, but I gave a hard look.

I didn't care about his family, I was trying to keep us alive for fuck sakes. "What I want you to do? I fucking told you what I wanted, you to do and what did you do? You ignored it and did the first thing I told you not to do."

"Fuck you," He snapped, "I don't have to listen to you."

I was growing angrier and angrier by the minute, it took every ounce of sanity to keep me from shooting this irritating brunette. "Fine! Then go!" I stepped aside causing his gaze to flicker to the door in surprise. "Go ahead and get help. I bet the moment you call the first ones to get to you will be the ones to kill you and no one will be there to protect you. Do you want that? To die when you had the choice to stay here so I can protect you? Keep you alive so you can see your family again?"

Matt fell silent, his blue eyes wide—swirled with so many emotions and thoughts running through him. I dropped my arms to my side with a solemn look, "I thought so." I said bitterly, grasped his smaller wrist and dragged him to the bed, "W-Wait! What are you doing?" He asked in a frightened tone, but I ignored him reaching for the handcuffs and proceeded in undoing them from the headboard.

I snapped them briskly around his wrist with a disbelieving expression across his face, "Right now I don't trust you so I'm keeping you handcuffed until I know you won't do something stupid."

He gaped, "N-No! What if I'm in danger? What am I going to do when I'm handcuffed?"

I remained adamant with a cold sneer, "I don't know, I'm sure you'll figure something out since you managed to bite me and run." His face dropped, eyes glistened in vexation and resentment; how can someone be cute yet so insufferable? He placed himself on the mattress disgruntled, "You deserved it for being a dick."

"I'm sure I did."

Matt didn't stop glaring at me through the entire time we walked into a parking lot taking one of the cars I kept. I made sure it didn't have any form of modern navigation system that can get us tracked. I was driving my way to Chicago from Detroit—four hours; I had someone I know who could help me.

The farther I was the better chances I had to prepare myself in one of my safe houses. "Where are we going?" Matt finally talked after half an hour driving and him staring out the window with a blank look on his face. I didn't answer unable to trust him with the information, why would I? For all I knew he'd find a way to come in contact with someone and tell them where we were heading.

I knew he was planning to escape I just didn't expect him to do it so soon but this time I was prepared. "I asked you a question," He said with deep agitation glanced at the side of my face, but I pretended as if he said nothing. I was still pissed about earlier and the best I could do was focus on the road. "Fine, don't say anything. It's not like I wanted to talk or anything." He muttered.

Kidnapped By A Hitman [BoyxBoy] ✓Where stories live. Discover now