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AmeChu™ ((or ChuAme)) content so nyan also sorry for procrastinating OOF

After the awkward encounter with Russia, China and him walked up stairs to find America. China distanced himself from Russia as far as possible. "Подсолнечник? Why are you distancing yourself?" Russia said, catching up with the Asian country, wrapping his arms around him. "AIYA WE NEED TO GET GOING!" China fumed in anger, slapping the Russian's arm, and leaving him. The Russian country just stood there, heartbroken.

China was doing a great job avoiding Russia, an by great job, he found the American's room. "Pay your debts, so that I don't bother you." He whispered to the sleeping American nation. Now the problem was, how to carry him. He muttered swear words in Cantonese and just dragged America, not giving any shit if America wakes up. Upon successfully dragging the American, without waking him up. "Russia aru!" He whisper shouted. "You need help, да?" The Eurasian nation replied. "Yes! What do you expect?" China sassily replied. "This is why you should be taller and stronger!" Russia laughed. "Sh-shut up!" China blushed.

After hauling the heavy American into the van, like the kidnappers they are, they arrived at China's place. "Now what?" China asked. "We tie him up remember? Then we sleep... And uh... Interrogate and shit..." Russia replied. "Ok... Then let's just uh.... Tie him up now?" He asked. "Да!" Russia happily replied.

China went off to find a rope, ending up in his room, locking the door and sat behind it. "China what the fuck......" He whispered to himself. "It's just debts..." He whispered once again. "You don't need to colonize him...." He whispered. "No he has to pay..." He lightly scolds himself. Standing up, he heard a call, "China have you found the rope?" China curses and replies, "No! Just uh... Wait!" He could hear a certain Russian laugh, "I found one already! Kolkolkolkol~!" China lightly smacks his head and laughs. Coming out the room, he saw the Russian country with a rope, China thought though he was joking. "I told you to guard America!" China laughed. "Нет[1], I tied him up first using my scarf, да?" Russia said. "Oh... Smart..." China laughed, snatching the rope and running to the probably sleeping America.

Finding wherever the hell Russia tied him, China carefully untying the peacefully sleeping American and afterwards, tying him up with the said rope.

"So uhm...." China started. "Just text me when he wakes up, да?" Russia says, getting up the couch and leaving. "Good night..." He whispered.


[1] Нет- no (Russian)

Wtf a short ass chapter huehuehuehue sorry

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