But here she was, a shadow of her former self, the reason why Nozomi's love had been snatched away by greedy hands.

"Then let me go." Nozomi broke the tensional silence, her heart beating faster with anticipation.

"Not yet." This time, Yuutsu had spoken, his voice soft. "There is something that you must do."

Hoseki nodded and started to walk mechanically towards the doorway.

"Where are you going?"

The bronze-haired girl stopped in her tracks and shifted her head slightly so that Nozomi could see a mysterious glimpse of bronze.

"I'll check on the Reaper myself. Onii-chan, I do hope that you will handle this situation accordingly."

Yuutsu nodded and rested a hand on Nozomi's shoulder in an almost passive way.

"I will."


"Maki! You're awake." Nico left the table and took her girlfriend gently by the hand, leading her to the sofa.

"I think I just had the weirdest dream ever." Maki continued, seating herself on the sofa, a confused look on her features.

"Explain." Umi said, after giving the redhead more space on the sofa, careful to not wake Kotori, who was still dozing on her shoulder.

"I was in some sort of laboratory, a recognizable one though, one that Yorokobi called 'The Place'. That's where they carry out all the experiments on us." Maki elaborated, accepting a warm mug of water from Honoka. "There was a chainsaw, and blood. Lots of it. White and red. Silver...sobs."

Her lavender eyes contracted ever so slightly, trying to recall the remnants of the dream.

"It's alright if you don't remember all of it." Shuji sat on the floor with his legs crossed, looking up at her. "After all, I myself don't remember eighty percent of how my dreams go."

"No one was asking you." Nico snapped, and turned back to Maki gesturing for her to continue, ignoring the offended look on Shuji's face. "Continue."

"That's all I can recall." Maki sounded slightly disappointed, taking a sip from her mug at the same time. "I can't really remember anything after that."

Then, she put her mug down on the coffee table, suddenly remembering something. "Oh, you were in it, Eli."

"Huh?" Eli looked up, confused. She placed a gloved hand on her hip and made a face. "How was I involved?"

"You were watching everything, and I...could not touch anything in the dream. I was sort of floating and just unable to move on my own." The redhead twirled a bunch of her hair, looking directly at Eli as she spoke.

"I see." Something crossed Eli's lineaments, but Nico could not exactly point out what she was thinking I'm that moment. "I know what must be done."

"And that is?" Umi questioned while being interrupted by Rin's persistent snoring.

Eli folded her arms authoritatively across her chest and her baby blue eyes narrowed.

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