“Nothing” she said not even caring

“Ryan a little help” Shan said giving up

“So yall good” I asked mainly talking to Whitney

“Nothing to fix” she said sighing

“Then be his” I said smirking even though they couldn’t see it.

Her head turned so quick I was surprised she didn’t get whiplash.

“Excuse me ” she said not believing her ears

“Be my girlfriend so I wont have to have wandering eyes” Shan said catching on to my not so subtle hint.

“Are you sure you want her as your girl?” I asked playing devil’s advocate

“Im positive Ryan” he said while not taking his eyes off Whitney

“What about our bachelor status. I need my wing man”

“Time for me to settle down” he said sounding completely sure.

“Damn it im the third wheel now” I said getting an attitude that I hadn’t thought this plan all the way through.

“Shut up Ryan. So what do you say Whitney?” He asked her

“I guess” she said breaking out into a smile

Im assuming they started to kiss so I kept my eyes trained on the road. I just hoped they didn’t mess up my seats. I turned on my blinker to merge left and two things happened at once. One I may or may not have screamed like a little girl and two I was definitely seeing things. There was definitely a Bengal tiger on the side of the car.

“What wrong” Whitney asked with concern laced through her voice.

“Look outside” I said turning slightly pale which was pretty hard for African Americans.

She turned to look at what I saw and laughed liked it was the most hilarious thing in the world.

“Sorry” she said to me

“That’s you” I asked still uneasy

“Of course not because Bengal tigers are native to the highway” she said in a sarcastic tone.

“Leave” she whispered to the wind and they just faded into the background.

“Great our emotions are connected to our abilities.” Shan said stating the obvious.

“Thanks for reminding me that the next time I freak a girl I could set her on fire” I said shaking my head while Whitney and Shan howled with laughter.

“You could always freak Lala but then she might freeze you” Whitney said trying to be helpful.

“I wouldn’t just freak her I‘d cater to her body all night” I said 100% honest.

“But sometimes a girl needs to be freaked hard and fast” Shan said

“And she would be when she acted up” I said grinning at the thought.

“Ew just ew” Whitney said not liking where this conversation was going.

“I don’t know what your ewwing for you can get it to” I said without thinking

“Ryan” Shan said in a warning tone.

“Sorry” I said trying to avoid a situation

“So just to clarify Whitney is off limits to me even if she begs for it”

“Yes” he said with no hesitation

“Does this include my dreams?” I asked knowing it would annoy him

“Especially your dreams” he said with a chuckle

“Do I even want to know what you dream about” Whitney asked

“No but im going to tell you anyways” I said

“Figures” she mumbled to herself

“The ultimate foursome” I said dreamily

“5” Shan corrected


“Nicki Minaj, Lala, Whitney, Our principal, and yourself” he rattled off from memory.

“Really Ryan our principal” Whitney said

“Hell yeah even though she wayyy to much woman for me” I said just thinking about her body.

“And Im not” Whitney said getting offended

“Are you Latina” I countered

“No im African American” she said

“You know what you should feel honored to even be included in my fantasies.”

“Thank you I feel honored” she told me sarcastically

We then feel into a comfortable silence. Soon after we switched drivers and I moved to the back with Whitney. I made me a makeshift pillow and then fell into a dreamless sleep.




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