The Bullshit Begins

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Manipulation is a horrible thing. It's crazy how little lies can have a HUGE impact on our lives. It is like when a little kid believes in Santa Clause. When he finds out it is all a lie, and that it's really his parents placing the gifts under the trees, he begins to question everything else and his perspective and way of thinking changes. It's the same with everything else.

I barely realized I had been manipulated my whole life. I kick myself for it because, wow, how could've I been so stupid? Pretty much everything started when Estefani came into my life. That's when all the shadiness started happening. I was too young to realize everything happening around me, which made me more prone to believing just about anything.

I guess my mother knew that Marcos had another child in his homeland; Ecuador. She was fine with it, I mean she couldn't really complain 'cause she had me already so, it was fine. Apparently Marcos had gotten Estefanis' paperwork or whatever legal immigration crap done, and voila! Estefani was coming over to California to spend her vacation here for a while. My mom was nice to Estefani, but all that started changing.

The whole time Estefani was here, she was being spoiled like crazy, since the second she set foot on American soil. Mother and Marcos agreed that, they would treat us both equally and fairly. Of course though, neither of them could control what other family members gave either me or Estefani. Sounds fair right? Pretty decent... Not for long though.

There was an incident with a plush toy of Tigger from Disney's "Winnie the Pooh". I guess our parents got us both a plush toy, but Estefani kept saying that my Tigger was hers. My mom was annoyed because everything that she wanted was given to her, and her family wanted to give her MY Tigger. My mother of course didn't allow that. So Estefani went out with her aunts, and comes back with this giant plush lion, and her grandma Lisa, passes by looking at me dirty, takes Tigger away from Estefani, throws it in a manner of disgust and sets the huge lion in front of me. I remember the look on their faces, their face said everything. "Ha Bitch, no one wants your little ass Tigger, we got this better one".

I don't know why she would complain or want things that were mine if, every night she would come home with like a billion shopping bags filled with clothes and toys. Mom couldn't say anything because she had no control over what other families wanted to give to Estefani. However, whenever my grandparents bought me things, Marcos was this first person to argue with my mom. He made stupid, hypocritical arguments. He'd say that we made Estefani feel bad because she didn't receive anything from them, or why do they only get me stuff and not Estefani. But yet, no one complained when she came home every night with bags full of stuff from her aunts, my mother didn't complain because I received nothing from her family.

That's when all of the problems started... But I was always told a different side of the story which was completely false. Thus led to biased views and manipulation through out the years.

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