Desperate Times

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That same night, Marcos had to go to work. He always worked at night and would come home at noon or so. He drove a Ford Ranger 2006 to work, that was the bread winner car, drove it almost everyday all the way to Riverside. I guess we were expecting Estefani to come back with the Pilot, but that never happened.

So when morning came, and the kids and I had no way of getting to school, or my mother to work, we had to make adjustments.

My mother tried to call her friend so she could get a ride, same with my little sister, I had no phone at the time due to the fact that I was grounded. Alas, when my mother called her friend, the call would'nt go through because the phone had been disconnected. My little sisters phone would'nt even unlock, completely useless. So my mother just walked to work, luckily our neighbors attented the same school as my siblings so they ended up all going together. As for me, thank the lord for wifi, I used it on my iPod to text my friend and ask for a ride.

After school my mothers friend picked me up from school. It was always awkward because I always got a weird vibe from her. That and I dated her son in the sixth grade and he hated me for some reason. So now I can't stand him, and I had to be in the same car as him.

The next day my mother had a little white car, it was old and ugly, but when you're in those circumstances you don't care, nor do you have a say. Her friend Katherine, whom picked me up the day before, and her husband had lent us that car, they all called the car paloma. Paloma means dove, perhaps they called it this because of its color, but honestly that car was our hope.

That same day after school, my mother picked me up in the paloma, she told me she needed to put gas in the car, but she needed to go to the bank first. Once we got to the bank she started freaking out, and she told me her bank account was over charged. I told her to check the kids accounts, when she got back to the car she was crying from frustration. I told her to check my account, nothing.

All the accounts were wiped out.

Frustrated, confused, and mad as hell, we went home. Just as I thought the day couldn't get any worse...... It did.

When we entered our home, it was almost unrecognizable. It was almost empty. Almost everything was gone. The only things left in the house were our clothes and big furniture. Other than that, nada.

Everything just started going downhill from that moment forward.

Since Marcos was the bread winner in the household, we pretty much relied on him to pay the rent and other big bills. Without him, we were struggling. It was time to pay the rent and we obviously could'nt pay it, we were poor. In our heads we thought we still had some time before eviction, but that thought came to an end quickly. We ended up finding out from the land lord that we had not been on time with rent and incomplete rent for about three months, the land lord was sick of it. About a week later, we got some court papers in the mail, it was from the land lord, and we had to reply to those papers to set a court date or something. I was reading them, and I told my mother that she only had like a week to respond. She told me she wasn't going to respond, that she didn't have to, everything would be fine. In the mean time, the paloma was malfunctioning big time. It would spill water, and overheat all the time. One day while mom was driving it, something in the car broke and all the water came out. She decided she could no longer drive paloma, and returned her to her friend.

So now we were left without transportation once again. My mother got to work by either walking or she would get rides from her friend, the same one that lent her paloma. The little ones went to school with the neighbors, and I... I had to re-learn how to take the bus.

The only thing that sucks about taking the bus is, waiting, waking up early, and standing while carrying all your belongings while trying not to fall when there's no seats. This was my daily routine, until my mother got the truck back.

You see, on Halloween morning, when I had to wake up at 5 in the a.m. to get ready because I take Halloween very seriously, and had to take the bus. On my way out, I saw on my door, a giant, red, eviction notice. Basically, letting us know that we had 5 days to get out of the house or else law enforcement would get involved.

This is what led to getting the truck back.

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